May 2024 Archives by date
Starting: Wed May 1 09:55:37 CDT 2024
Ending: Fri May 31 18:57:27 CDT 2024
Messages: 289
- [BVARC] Do I need???
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Do I need???
John Denison
- [BVARC] Do I need???
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Do I need???
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Do I need???
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] RECENTLY EXPIRED... Time to Renew BVARC membership
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] Baofeng UV82, CHIRP, import seems to work, but all channels show same freq after import
Rick Wannall
- [BVARC] Baofeng UV82, CHIRP, import seems to work, but all channels show same freq after import
Jimmy Vance
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
Stephen Flowers
- [BVARC] Baofeng UV82, CHIRP, import seems to work, but all channels show same freq after import
Rick Wannall
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
Andre Pollard
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
Stephen Flowers
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
JD Brown
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
Stephen Flowers
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
John Chauvin
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] RECENTLY EXPIRED... Time to Renew BVARC membership
Kelly Rosenberger
- [BVARC] Vice President's Update May 2024
Kori Rahman
- [BVARC] Baofeng UV82, CHIRP, import seems to work, but all channels show same freq after import
Rick Wannall
- [BVARC] Vice President's Update May 2024
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] Field Day
n5xz at
- [BVARC] Field Day
n5xz at
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] BVARC BEACONE - Newsletter May 2024
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Easter Island DXpedition live now FT8 12m
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] REMINDER: Brews with BVARC Tuesday 5/7
Kori Rahman
- [BVARC] Board of Directors Meeting
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Fwd: New comment on "EFHW Antenna Simulation Using MMANA GAL"
Stephen Flowers
- [BVARC] HoustonPOTA
anthony moro
- [BVARC] HoustonPOTA
Vernon Prewitt
- [BVARC] For Sale - 2016 Honda CTX700
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
john Parmalee
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Gary Sitton
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Gary Sitton
Kori Rahman
- [BVARC] Chair mat for free
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] FW: Announcing Bird's New Compact USB Vector Network Analyzers
jparmalee at
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Michael Shanks
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Michael Shanks
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Gary Sitton
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Brazos Bend State Park
Dwayne Jones
- [BVARC] REMINDER: Brews with BVARC Tuesday 5/7
eric.weder at
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Brazos Bend State Park
Theresa Williams
- [BVARC] BVARC General Meeting - Museum Ships with Mark K5MGJ
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Rick Hiller
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Wes Harris
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Richard Cary
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
- [BVARC] Flat bed trailer
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Test Email
Jeffery MacMillian
- [BVARC] test ing the ref lector
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] test ing the ref lector
Bob Tomlinson
- [BVARC] test ing the ref lector
Sean - N5LNK
- [BVARC] Dayton
- [BVARC] test ing the ref lector
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
walterh at
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Steve Clark
- [BVARC] For Sale Kenwood TS-590S
- [BVARC] Satellites -- 2m -- 70cm -- antennas
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] 2618
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Keith Dutson
- [BVARC] 2618
- [BVARC] 2618
jparmalee at
- [BVARC] 2618
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] 2816
Jimmy Vance
- [BVARC] For Sale Kenwood TS-590S
Joe Vaught
- [BVARC] Downsizing Continues
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] 2618
jparmalee at
- [BVARC] Downsizing Continues
Rick Hiller
- [BVARC] Old 150watt DC to AC converter.
Rudolph Ackerman
- [BVARC] Old 150watt DC to AC converter.
John Denison
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] Old 150watt DC to AC converter.
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] Old 150watt DC to AC converter.
- [BVARC] Old 150watt DC to AC converter.
Rudolph Ackerman
- [BVARC] From Fox News - Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston struck by barge, causing portion to collapse: officials
JP Pritchard
- [BVARC] From Fox News - Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston struck by barge, causing portion to collapse: officials
- [BVARC] From Fox News - Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston struck by barge, causing portion to collapse: officials
Mark Janzer
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] From Fox News - Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston struck by barge, causing portion to collapse: officials
David Morefield
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Mike Knerr
- [BVARC] Museum Ships: One lane now open
JP Pritchard
- [BVARC] For Sale Kenwood TS-590S
Joe Vaught
- [BVARC] From Fox News - Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston struck by barge, causing portion to collapse: officials
Dwayne Jones
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Joe Vaught
- [BVARC] Museum Ships: One lane now open
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] For Sale Kenwood TS-590S
- [BVARC] For Sale Kenwood TS-590S
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Mike Knerr
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Rudolph Ackerman
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Field day thoughts...
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Thoughts on field day.
ke5hdf at
- [BVARC] Thoughts on field day.
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] People wanting to give talks....
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] One more thing...
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] BVARC - Photojournalist
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] Ham related
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Ham related
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Dayton Hamvention?
Rick Hiller
- [BVARC] Different Outage Map
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Free!
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
David Lira
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Cathy Steinberg
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
leemanpa at
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
leemanpa at
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
- [BVARC] Clothes Dryer
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] 2 Mtr. base station.
Gary Sitton
- [BVARC] 2 Mtr. base station.
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Preliminary survey - NWS Houston
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] 2 Mtr. base station.
Lee Usry
- [BVARC] Field day question
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] For Sale Kenwood TS-590S
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
- [BVARC] 2 Mtr. base station.
Gary Sitton
- [BVARC] Field day question
John Chauvin
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
John Denison
- [BVARC] Oops, I sent it to the reflector
John Chauvin
- [BVARC] MFJ SWR Analyzer for Sale
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] Field day question
John Denison
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
John Denison
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Jack Frost
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
John Denison
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Jeffery MacMillian
- [BVARC] 2 Mtr. base station.
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] MFJ SWR Analyzer for Sale
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Emergency communications
ralph phillips
- [BVARC] Emergency communications
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] Emergency communications
Andre Pollard
- [BVARC] MFJ SWR Analyzer for Sale
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] Rigs 4 sale..
leemanpa at
- [BVARC] Fw: SkyWarn and Amateur Radio
ralph phillips
- [BVARC] Fw: SkyWarn and Amateur Radio
jppnews at
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
john Parmalee
- [BVARC] Please explain this end fed antenna
Randy Pickut
- [BVARC] Clothes Dryer
kd5fba at
- [BVARC] Current HF Propagation ???
Rick Hiller
- [BVARC] Clothes Dryer
timothy sloan
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
M Reiter
- [BVARC] Field day question
M Reiter
- [BVARC] Field day question
David Morefield
- [BVARC] Current HF Propagation ???
Jonathan Guthrie, KA8KPN
- [BVARC] Current HF Propagation ???
Philip Bartash
- [BVARC] Current HF Propagation ???
KJ Anderson
- [BVARC] Clothes Dryer
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Brian Shircliffe
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
m m
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
Brian Shircliffe
- [BVARC] Emergency preparness
David Bingham
- [BVARC] Fwd: [KARS] Champion 4000-Watt Inverter Generator
- [BVARC] Museum Ships Weekend is a GO
John Chauvin
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
George Levandoski
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
George Levandoski
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
Lee Usry
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
George Levandoski
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
George Levandoski
- [BVARC] Equipment for sale
- [BVARC] BVARC newsletter JUNE
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] 2618
Marvin Suggs
- [BVARC] 2618
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
George Levandoski
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
Jonathan Guthrie, KA8KPN
- [BVARC] 2618
Donovan Balli
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
Jeffrey Carson
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
john Parmalee
- [BVARC] 2618
john Parmalee
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
Jeffrey Carson
- [BVARC] 2816
Jimmy Vance
- [BVARC] 2618
john Parmalee
- [BVARC] A bit off topic...but not really
n5xz at
- [BVARC] 2618
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] A bit off topic...but not really
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] 2618
Jeffrey Carson
- [BVARC] A bit off topic...but not really
Jeffrey Carson
- [BVARC] Stuff for Sale…Icom IC7300 and more.
George Levandoski
- [BVARC] Train
john Parmalee
- [BVARC] Train
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] 2618
- [BVARC] A bit off topic...but not really
David Kunetka
- [BVARC] 2816 Re: 2618
Jimmy Vance
- [BVARC] N5XZ CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2024
n5xz at
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] BVARC Dinner at Saltgrass Tomorrow!
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Museum Ships Weekend Event - THIS weekend Fri.-Sun. May 31, June 1, 2
mark janzer
- [BVARC] A bit off topic...but not really
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV)
- [BVARC] Radio Repair in TExas
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
John Denison
- [BVARC] [CTDXCC] A bit off topic...but not really
n5xz at
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
anthony moro
- [BVARC] England park activation TODAY
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] Bvarc food team
Richard Bonica
- [BVARC] Field Day Operating Slot List
n5xz at
- [BVARC] BVARC - Photojournalist
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Dinner at Saltgrass Tonight!
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] Dinner at Saltgrass Tonight!
Dwayne Jones
- [BVARC] lightning safety
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] lightning safety
David Lira
- [BVARC] BVARC Dinner at Saltgrass Tomorrow!
David Morefield
- [BVARC] BVARC Dinner at Saltgrass Tomorrow!
Mike Hardwick
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
terry leatherland
- [BVARC] BVARC Dinner at Saltgrass Tomorrow!
JP Pritchard
- [BVARC] BVARC Dinner at Saltgrass Tomorrow!
Mike Hardwick
- [BVARC] BVARC BoD Meeting- sorry i missed
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Radio for sale
Venkata Appala
- [BVARC] Field Day Operating Slot List
Michael Shanks
- [BVARC] RG-63
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
David Morefield
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
Robert Polinski
- [BVARC] Mobile antenna tuning question
Rick Hiller
- [BVARC] Museum Ships Weekend Event - THIS weekend Fri.-Sun. May 31, June 1, 2
mark janzer
- [BVARC] Field Day Operating Slot List
n5xz at
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Rick Hiller
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Ham Radio Saltgrass
Eddie Runner
- [BVARC] Ham Radio Saltgrass
N5LNK - Sean Linkenheimer
- [BVARC] Ham Radio Saltgrass
Jorge A.Gutiérrez
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Scott Medbury
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Chris Medlin
- [BVARC] Field Day Kick-Off Meeting
Mike Hardwick
- [BVARC] Fw: Museum Ships Weekend Event - THIS weekend Fri.-Sun. May 31, June 1, 2 - pre-registration will be sent in today at 1PM for gate admittance
John Chauvin
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
David Morefield
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
David Morefield
- [BVARC] Greater Houston HamFest Open Forum Planning Session
Jeff Greer
- [BVARC] Field Day Signup sheet link
n5xz at
- [BVARC] Field Day Signup sheet link
n5xz at
- [BVARC] 8pm - 2 meter net - Museum Ships Weekend Event
mark janzer
- [BVARC] 8pm - 2 meter net - Museum Ships Weekend Event
Mark McGrath
- [BVARC] 8pm - 2 meter net - Museum Ships Weekend Event
Mike Hardwick
- [BVARC] 8pm - 2 meter net - Museum Ships Weekend Event
mark janzer
Last message date:
Fri May 31 18:57:27 CDT 2024
Archived on: Fri May 31 18:57:37 CDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).