[BVARC] 2024 KK5W Multi-Club Field Day: Success

n5xz at earthlink.net n5xz at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 28 13:42:46 CDT 2024

I wanted to go on record that I feel Field Day last weekend was a great


I personally want to thank everyone who participated including:


The organizers - Everything went very smoothly and efficiently;

The cooking crew - The food was great!

The antenna crew - The antennas performed great with very few issues and I
think we were LOUD which helped:

The operators - For working so hard to squeeze out as many QSOs as possible
(did we set a new KK5W record?);

The computer crew - Again, almost flawless operation and integration;

The radio donators: For once again stepping up to the plate to loan out
their K3's and other equipment;

The visitors: For coming out to make this a very special event;

The city of Sugar Land: For allowing us to use the park and the house;

The weather: For not raining and also not being as hot as usual;

The Sun: For excellent propagation;

And all those others who stepped up to make Field Day a great success. Can't
wait for next year!


Who did I forget? I don't know but thank you, too!




Allen R. Brier N5XZ

1515 Windloch Lane

Richmond, TX 77406



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