[BVARC] Two Racks

jparmalee at aol.com jparmalee at aol.com
Mon Jun 24 12:42:41 CDT 2024

Greetings, I have two racks I would like to not take with me as I move.

The first is a 22" deep and 55" high, it has adjustable back rails and good
paint. Has wheels.  I would like $50   It was at one time a complete camera
control unit with monitor and remote controls. 

The second is an 82" relay rack, 16" deep.  It has a light rust that could
be easily made beautiful again with some work or money.  When I bought it
out of a junk yard in 65, I had it sandblasted This rack is Free, come and
get it. It has wheels.


John K5VGM 281-380-3811


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