[BVARC] FIELD DAY!!!!! 2024

Richard Bonica kg5ycu at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 07:54:02 CDT 2024

To all,

Please, I am making a call out for volunteers. We need help all over, but
mainly in the following areas:

1) Antenna setup at 11am
2) Food unpacking
3) Clean up on Sun.

Also: there are still spots open for operators.

Please see the following sheets for information:

Volunteer Signup sheet:

Operator signup sheet:

Richard Bonica
C: 281.935.7222
Email: kg5ycu at gmail.com
Freq: 147.000 - DMR - Digital Mobile
Territory: NE Fort Bend
CERT, CST, EST, WEB EOC, HSEEP, FEMA PD, Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Extra
Ameture Radio
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