[BVARC] Fw: Skywarn updates- Repeaters

terry leatherland k5pgf at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 1 11:03:49 CDT 2024

Someone asked a few weeks ago about the county Emergency Operations repeaters. See attached.Thanks Luke. 
Terry Leatherland, K5PGF281-455-8090Sugar Land, Tx

   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: lbugler at swbell.net <lbugler at swbell.net>To: Andy (Joe) Kolb - KB5DCI <kb5dci at outlook.com>; Berrisford Bramble - KF5HSH <bsbramble at gmail.com>; Bill Kemp - K5LK <k5lk.bill at gmail.com>; Bob Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 10:04:30 AM CDTSubject: FW: Skywarn updates
Please review the attached listing to provide skywarn updates


Luke Bugler-K0LTB / WRJH568

ARRL District 1 Emergency Coordinator-Fort Bend County 

State of Texas RACES  DRO 16 Austin, Colorado, Ft. Bend and Wharton

Texsar-Texas Search and Rescue Communications Statewide


Lbugler at swbell.net

K0LTB at arrl.net

Luke.bugler at texsar.org



From: Keith E. Brandt, MD, MPH <keith.brandt at gmail.com> On Behalf Of Keith E. Brandt, WD9GET
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2024 9:49 AM
To: KA5WMY at ARRL.NET; Luke Bugler <lbugler at swbell.net>; Curtis Tallman <cgtallman at earthlink.net>; Gerry Messerschmidt <K5GLMEC at gmail.com>; James KD5JBT <kd5jbt at haneyfeed.com>
Subject: Skywarn updates


Greetings District 1!

Most of you should have received an ICS-205 for South Texas Skywarn frequencies last July from Jeff. I'm attaching a copy for your convenience and review. Would you please check, verify, and correct your counties (and any adjacent counties that you have information on) to make sure we've got the most current information.

I hope everyone has been safe with all the recent weather events that have been moving through our area.

Let me know what I can do to help you.



Keith E Brandt, WD9GET
District 1 DEC STX 

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