[BVARC] Pre-Silent Key garage sale.

jparmalee at aol.com jparmalee at aol.com
Fri Aug 23 21:13:32 CDT 2024

Good evening, let me invite you to my Pre-Silent Key garage sale.   Jeanne
and I are packing to move to Tehachapi, California. A small town in the
mountains about a hundred miles north of Los Angles. This is to be near
family as we age. We will move when the house sells. 

I don't have any high-power rigs in the sale but a few items useful to a

Asus ROG RC71L Ally 7" Ryzen Z1 Extreme 16GB 512GB SSD Handheld Gaming

This is really a high-power computer with a docking station, RJ-45Gigib
ether net port, 4k @60 mHz. HDMI and 3xusb connections.  EBay is showing
them just under $400, I can do better

I have a HP Evolve - eBook 11 EBay has them for $250, I can do better.

I have a MFJ fiberglass two-meter antenna, 8 DB if I remember.  Make an


I have a collection of pipes and tubes to build antenna, aluminum, steel,
pvc.   I have some Quad antenna elements, built but never on a boom.


Tomorrow morning 9:00 till 3:00, 

23506 Kings Forest

Hockley, Tx

John Parmalee, K5VGM



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