John Chauvin k5izo at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 22 15:54:48 CDT 2024

 There are several repairs/restoration tasks on the USSCavalla and USS Stewart that various members are looking into which will allow BVARCto perform more safely and in better comfort while activating the ships duringthe MUSEUM SHIPS EVENT WEEKEND.  For example,we are considering getting a licensed electrician to determine the feasibilityof upgrading the service to the USS Stewart radio room and to rewire/repairsome of the 120 VAC duplex outlets where we operate.  The USS Cavalla (Submarine) Radio Room, where sometimes we operate CW, has 5or 6 duplex outlets where only one works. The USS Stewart (Destroyer Escort), where we normally operate (Crew’smess hall), has 6 or 7 duplex outlets; about 5 have faults –reversed hot andneutral terminals;  the ground terminalis not grounded; or the ground and neutral terminals are reversed, etc.  Other tasks of a grander scale are beyond thescope of this article but will be addressed in the upcoming weeks.

Several members have already engaged in generating funds byselling some of their redundant equipment and designating a percentage of receipts from some of the items to the recently established “BVARC MuseumShips Restoration Fund.”  Example: I justsold my lakefront cabin and now have redundancy of virtually all my tools and hamequipment.  I’ve checked out & compileda list of the excess equipment which must go. The link below gets you to my 3 page list of equipment ranging from 2IC-746s, a Yaesu HF Amplifier, a full power antenna tuner, etc., down to some$1 or $2 items.  Some of these show an amountdesignated to the Fund.  I will also havean “Invitational Only Garage Sale” (I.e. Reflector members and Beacon readers) forthis equipment when cooler (Mid-September). What remains goes with me to Belton in October.  These are categorized by Ham Equipment (~ 50%in number, but 75% in value), Power & Hand Tools (~25% in number) and othermuch smaller categories - (~5% each) such as Computer items, Sports, Kitchen, GardenTools and Miscellaneous,.

1.      Go to  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kx4bxofyx9719okkip3ik/K5IZO-ITEMS-FOR-SALE-W-ASK.pdf?rlkey=nz7sofkxw5rea47p7oyi8lr8z&st=k1ogb9at&dl=0    to see the then current version (updatedweekly) of my list.  An updated articlesimilar to this one will be in the next BVARC Beacon.
2.      Consider participating by looking around yourshack, house, workshop, etc. for items you “can live without” and designatea percent of the proceeds from a few of the items to the Fund.

3.      Regardless, consider participating in ourMSWE event next June.  You will soon beinformed of other new activities at MSWE such as a personal escorted tour ofthe ships, transportation, a super Saturday evening meal, operating timesign-up sheets, free entry into the Galveston Naval Museum, familyparticipation and more.

Feel free to contact me at K5IZO at yahoo.comto help out or for more information.
Tnx es 73,de John, K5IZO   

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