[BVARC] Kayaks for sale

John Chauvin k5izo at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 20 08:47:54 CDT 2024

I know several members regularly go kayaking.  I sold my lakefront property and thus am selling: 1 adult 2-seat tandem sit-on-top 13' kayak in very good condition with paddle and adult lifevest - $250.  On this one, $50 will be earmarked for the BVARC MSWE Restoration Fund.2 child's 6' sit-on-top kayaks in "Like New" condition both with child's lifevests - one has a paddle - $70 and the other does not - $60.  Both for $120.  $5 from each is earmarked for the Fund.All were kept in a sheltered location at the lake.
Please "Reply" to me only - do not "Reply to All."
Tnx es 73,de John, K5IZO

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