[BVARC] New radio using M17 protocol

Stephen Flowers s.c.flowers at comcast.net
Wed Aug 7 17:20:40 CDT 2024

Good afternoon.  Just read in this week's Peruvian Radioclub newsletter that Connect Systems has started shipping the first radios to use the M17 open source protocol.  As you may know, this is the much awaited promise to make an alternative open source digital mode for modes like DSTAR and system Fusion.

The CS7000 M17 is an HT transceiver that executes the M17 protocol.  This is the webpage from Connect Systems on this DMR radio if you’re interested:  https://www.connectsystems.com/products/top/radios/CS7000_M17.htm 

And.. this is the M17 project page if you’re keen:  https://m17project.org/ 

So with the advent of this HT and with the popularity of the hackable Quangsheng K6 uvK5(8), it seems that hackable and open source radios may be the 'shape of things to come’.  Possibly.  Either way, it’s a great time to be in our hobby!

Thought that you might find this interesting.

Stephen (W2WF)

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