[BVARC] Signal noise and suggestion on how to reduce it

Venkata Appala pradhanavs at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 16:28:08 CDT 2023

    First of all, thank you for all the responses to my last email about antennas. I have another question related to the same topic and looking off some guidance. I normally setup my hf antenna for weekend use in my backyard. It’s a mfj 1979 17ft vertical. It is mounted on a flag pole rod that I just hammer into the soil close to the backyard fence. I have two sets of 4 radials  in 180 degree pattern since I have a fence on the other side. When I use the rig expert to check swr, it’s always around 1.15-1.2. While the we is very low, the noise is crazy high. Most of the stations are extremely noisy. For some reason, I was able to hear really well few weeks ago. Is this something I am doing wrong or something to do with propagation ?

For the above setup, I am always on 20m ssb. I do have few metal trellis hanging near to the antenna few ft away but I am not sure if they cause any interference.
Disclaimer: I don’t know how to read the noise level on my radio yet, apologies if this is the most basic thing I should have known before I do anything. Trying to learn as quickly as I can 😄
Venkata Appala

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