[BVARC] Fw: Katy Area Safety Fest

Mike Hardwick n5vcx at att.net
Fri Sep 8 12:50:27 CDT 2023

 Katy Amateur Radio Club is seeking Amateur Radio Operator volunteers to work either a 2 hour shift in the morning, or a 2 hour shift in the afternoon.  We will be walking through-out the area to report any incidents.  The Fort Bend County EMROG Van will be onsite for our net control.
Come on out and put your license and radio to a good use!
 Katy Area Safety Fest 09/16/2023  Katy Mills Mall
 Join us for the Katy Area Safety Fest!
 The Katy Area Safety Fest (KASF) is a free, family-friendly festival featuring personnel, equipment, and activities from emergency response agencies serving the Greater Katy community.
 The goal of KASF is to connect community members to the men and women who serve in these agencies as well as provide education and resources to encourage safety preparedness.
 Participating Agencies, I'm pretty sure the Boeing CH-47 Chinook will be out again this year
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