[BVARC] BVARC/TDXS/KARS Field Day Signup Link

n5xz at earthlink.net n5xz at earthlink.net
Wed May 31 19:00:02 CDT 2023



Here is the Field Day Signup link as promised. Please feel free to
cross-post this to other local reflectors, especially including KARS. Please
read the rules and feel free to start reserving slots immediately.


2023 KK5W Field Day Schedule - Google Sheets


There are also places to fill in your contact information if you need or can
provide assistance.  Let's have a GREAT Field Day 2023!


If there are any problems with this link, please contact me asap.




Allen R. Brier N5XZ

1515 Windloch Lane

Richmond, TX 77406



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