[BVARC] Chip Margelli - SK

Chris Medlin ctmedlin at outlook.com
Tue May 30 20:21:50 CDT 2023

For those who knew or had ever met Chip, he went silent key last week. He spent 29 years at Yaesu.   I bumped into him at Belton a few years ago and he remembered me from several years back at Dayton.

You might have seen him on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2005 when he had a contest against a couple of kids texting vs him and ken miller K6CTW sending "ancient" CW... This link below gives a great overview of all the things he accomplished over his years in the Ham community.

Tribute to Charles "Chip" H. Margelli - K7JA (hamgallery.com)<http://hamgallery.com/Tribute/K7JA/>

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