[BVARC] 34/94 details

Chris Medlin ctmedlin at outlook.com
Sun May 21 20:10:18 CDT 2023

Very cool. Tnx. Exactly what I was looking for.


Typos brought to you by iPhone

On May 21, 2023, at 20:01, wb5itt via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

It's on the channel 13 auxiliary tower east of the Sr Road antenna farm with the antenna at approximately 900 ft if I remember correctly.. It is a Kenwood TKR 750 repeater.... basically the same repeater as the 146.94 in Beaumont... The Houston repeater uses the internal controller / CWID... the Beaumont 94 repeater has a Linkcom RLC CLUB DLXII controller on it, hence the Voice IDs, etc and the All-Star node on port 4. 220 & UHF coming soon with HF thru 6m all mode remote base .

Chris WB5ITT
Trustee/owner W5APX 146.94 Beaumont/ 146.88 Lake Charles and soon 146.96 Devers at 1000ft AGL, all 100Hz tone and linked

Sent via my Samsung Galaxy S10e, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone..so there! 😂

-------- Original message --------
From: Chris Medlin via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Date: 5/21/23 7:45 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: bvarc at bvarc.org
Cc: Chris Medlin <ctmedlin at outlook.com>
Subject: [BVARC] 34/94 details

Does anyone have the technical details of the 34/94 repeater? Which tower, ant elev (I believe its 900’?), repeater details, ID’er, etc?

I grew up with my dad always homebrewing repeaters and building/running/troubleshooting/repairing repeaters, so I’m always interested to hear all the details about them when i move to a new area.
Also, i noticed the repeater specs were not on the website. If possible, I think that would be a great addition for people like me looking for such details.


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