[BVARC] Charging for QSL?

Scott Medbury kd5fba at gmail.com
Thu May 18 11:40:45 CDT 2023

Often because of the cost of postage a DX station will request "green
stamps". International postage from the US is about $1.40 to send them a
card. If you use clublog, you can send a request and use PayPal.  All of
this is part of the reason why so many including myself use LOTW to get

You can also use the outgoing ARRL qsl bureau.

73 de Scott KD5FBA

On Thu, May 18, 2023, 5:38 AM Shannon Tassin via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> All,
> As I am working to connect with more countries via FT8, I am more
> routinely coming across folks who want me to pay them money for a QSL. At
> first it was folks who were working from a remote country or island (e.g.,
> Rwanda), but now I am seeing that from a guy in Israel.
> Is this accepted and expected behavior? Why would I do that?
> Thanks,
> Shannon Tassin
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