[BVARC] Museum Ships and Trivial Pursuit -- the Ham Radio Version Thursday Night

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Mon May 8 11:23:40 CDT 2023

The BVARC meeting this Thursday will have a double feature -- Mark, K5MGJ,
talking up Museum Ships,  followed by a couple of games of Ham Radio
Trivial Pursuit.

Example question:   What is the impedance of outer space?    Find out

You must be there to play and win the fabulous prizes.    The TP subject is
Ham Radio from the 1920's up thru the present including club events, radio,
antenna and transmission line facts, early radio discoverers facts and
more.   We've done it before a few times in years past, so it is good to
see it on the agenda again.

Hope to see you there.......73....W5RH
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