[BVARC] Yaesu FTM-200DR, FTM-300DR or FTM-500DR?
Karl Bernard
karl.bernard at gmail.com
Mon May 8 09:15:38 CDT 2023
Wow - a lot of things to think about... I'm now leaning more towards
the FTM-300D
or the Anytone AT-D578uviii Plus with the Anytone BT-01 Mobile Bluetooth
Speaker Mic. My primary reluctance with the Anytone is that I'm not doing
DMR now, so it would be kind of an immediate deep dive, lol. But it's also
a tri-band analog radio too, so...
Thank you all for the suggestions!
On Sun, May 7, 2023 at 8:42 PM Chris Medlin via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> For a few years i drove a mitsubishi lancer as a second vehicle and even
> though the windows were tinted (including visor strip above the A line on
> the windshield… ok in Tennessee law), i wanted to run super incognito since
> i was in the city with the nations highest crime rate.
> So i picked up the icom ic-208H dual band and took a piece of sheet metal,
> painted it black, and cut it the width of the head and bent it at an angle
> such that I could slip it in above the headliner and use some of that super
> industrial velcro. Its a single vfo so its maybe 3-4” wide. Tucked the wire
> around from the headliner and down the frame along the windshield and under
> the dash back to the radio under the seat. The mic lived under the seat
> too. It worked out fabulous. Id just flip the sun visor down when i parked
> and it was completely hidden. And if I wanted to use it, it was only an
> eyeball glance up. Technically I could have slid it over to the space
> between the headliner and the rear view mirror, but then i couldnt hide it
> with the visor and these days cars have so much tech in the mirror you
> probably couldnt get into the headliner up there.
> So thats a long story but maybe that gives you an idea. And i read the law
> someone posted in the thread below and it says you cant put something on
> the windshield that obstructs view. There are a lot of places on the
> windshield that don’t obstruct view.
> Good luck!
> 73/AC5CM/Chris
> Typos brought to you by iPhone
> On May 7, 2023, at 16:12, John Denison via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> It all depends on where you install something to a windshield. The rear
> view mirror is attached to the windshield. My EZ Tag is placed in front of
> the rear view mirror so I can't see it unless I purposely look around the
> mirror. It the object doesn't obstruct or reduce the driver's view then
> there is no issue.
> 73
> John Denison
> On 5/7/2023 6:01 AM, Eric Weder via BVARC wrote:
> On a variation of your theme – did you know that many if not most states
> have laws against sticking things to your windshield?
> Section 547.613
> <https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.547.htm> of the Texas
> Transportation Code reads: “a person commits an offense that is a
> misdemeanor: (1) if the person operates a motor vehicle that has an object
> or material that is placed on or attached to the windshield or side or rear
> window and that obstructs or reduces the operator’s clear view.”
> That’s something I dug up on the Ram Mounts website. Obviously they
> enforce this with discretion or our toll passes would all be illegal.
> Something to bear in mind when planning your install …
> Best regards,
> Eric
> *From:* BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> *On
> Behalf Of *Karl Bernard via BVARC
> *Sent:* Saturday, May 6, 2023 11:33 PM
> *To:* BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <BVARC at bvarc.org> <BVARC at bvarc.org>
> *Cc:* Karl Bernard <karl.bernard at gmail.com> <karl.bernard at gmail.com>
> *Subject:* [BVARC] Yaesu FTM-200DR, FTM-300DR or FTM-500DR?
> Anyone used either the FTM-200DR, FTM-300DR, or FTM-500DR and have some
> thoughts to share?
> I'm thinking about getting a dual-band mobile to use in my 2016 Civic
> without a lot of space, so I've been doing a lot of research online about
> radios with a remote head that I can put on a window suction mount or
> something like that (still a lot of thinking about that, lol)
> I like what I've seen so far about all of these radios and I like the
> bright colorful and highly legible screen on them, but I'm not sure if the
> FTM-500DR is worth another $200-300, depending on where you look... The
> touch screen is cool, but is it really worth it? Also think the FTM-200DR
> and FTM-300DR might require an external speaker since the head doesn't have
> one?
> Thanks,
> Karl
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