[BVARC] Yaesu FTM-200DR, FTM-300DR or FTM-500DR?

David Morefield david at fluffyshotme.com
Sun May 7 00:34:47 CDT 2023


I am getting the Anytone AT-D578uviii Plus for my car and not only will it
take the same codeplug as my 878uvii Plus, it also has a remote microphone
that is must like the 878. In cable mode, I will be able to tether the
bluetooth handset via a cable to the radio and have the screen in my hand.
I plan to mount the radio under the passenger seat and run the handset
cable such that I can I tuck it away when not in use.

The cabled remote can power on/off the radio as well as give you all of the
functions in your hand. The remote handsets are out of stock at the moment,
but my mobile should be here by Tuesday :)

The 578 is 50W VHF/40W UHF/ 5W 220 and RX only for Airbands.

David Morefield

Owner - Fluffyshotme Photography

*David at fluffyshotme.com <David at fluffyshotme.com>*

281-960-5253 mobile


On Sat, May 6, 2023 at 10:33 PM Karl Bernard via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> Anyone used either the FTM-200DR, FTM-300DR, or FTM-500DR and have some
> thoughts to share?
> I'm thinking about getting a dual-band mobile to use in my 2016 Civic
> without a lot of space, so I've been doing a lot of research online about
> radios with a remote head that I can put on a window suction mount or
> something like that (still a lot of thinking about that, lol)
> I like what I've seen so far about all of these radios and I like the
> bright colorful and highly legible screen on them, but I'm not sure if the
> FTM-500DR is worth another $200-300, depending on where you look... The
> touch screen is cool, but is it really worth it? Also think the FTM-200DR
> and FTM-300DR might require an external speaker since the head doesn't have
> one?
> Thanks,
> Karl
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