[BVARC] General Meeting May 11th - RSVP for Food

Chris Luppens jcluppens at ussailing.net
Sat May 6 21:30:16 CDT 2023

I really do not believe that all the BVARC members need to know what members are ordering for their meals.  I guess some people can’t or don’t want to read instructions. Mike asked people to let him know if you planned to attend and if you were wanting food. That is what RSVP means and that does not mean the whole club needs to know. 

Please don’t chew me out for saying something, I cannot take much more useless email. 

Chris Luppens KG5BBF

> On May 6, 2023, at 9:25 PM, David F. Reed via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> Still planning on attending; potato, brisket and everything else except the black beans…
> Thanks & 73 de Dave, W5SV
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 6, 2023, at 18:58, Mike Hardwick via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
>> The BVARC general meeting is coming up in just a few days so I want to make sure there is enough food for the members coming out to the meeting. I have received a few RSVP's but unfortunately some of them did not indicate whether they wanted to eat or not. 
>> So if you would like to have a BBQ baked potato Thursday night, please send me an e-mail letting me know. I also need to the people that responded earlier to resend their answer. I need to get the answer no later than Monday. I did mention earlier about a Wednesday deadline but that will be too late for the cooking team to make adjustments to the food purchase. I apologize if this caused any convenience with anyone. 
>> I also did not list a full menu so here it is:
>> Baked Potato
>> Your choice of BBQ sausage or BBQ Brisket
>> Sour cream
>> Cheese
>> Bacon Bits
>> Chives
>> Butter
>> Black Beans
>> There will be chocolate chips cookies and maybe another desert as well. And as always, water and soft drinks.
>> So come on out for a good time at the May11th general meeting for information on Museum Ships Weekend, have some good food and something new - "ham radio trivial pursuit"!
>> Mike Hardwick, N5VCX
>> President 
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
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