[BVARC] BVARC Mtg - Museum Ships Wknd with Mark K5MGJ

Jeff Greer greerjw at hotmail.com
Mon May 1 11:01:26 CDT 2023

BVARC General Meeting
Thursday May 11th at 7:00pm
There will be food! But you MUST RSVP if you plan to attend in-person! The RSVP Deadline is May 8th at noon. Please email Prez Mike N5VCX at att.net to RSVP. This will allow the food team to prepare the right amount of food for everyone. The meeting will also be available to attend via Zoom, BUT I highly encourage you to attend in person if you can. Our presentation will be by Mark Janzer (K5MGJ) concerning "Ships Across America and the World Museum Ships Weekend". He will recap the work session that took place in April, cover details about MSWE, and have open discussion on planning for the event. MSWE takes place on June 2nd-4th, contact Mark if you'd like to help out!
Volunteer Fire Station #4
16005 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77083

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