[BVARC] Vice President's Update for May 2023
Kori Rahman
kori113 at gmail.com
Mon May 1 01:04:37 CDT 2023
Happy May to all of our wonderful members!
I'd like to give everyone a rundown of club events coming up in May 2023.
But before I do that I want to remind everyone that *FIELD DAY 2023* is
quickly coming up on the horizon. *June 24th and 25th at the Fort Bend
County Fire Training Field, 260 Clay St. Richmond TX*. Expect lots of
promotional material at our meetings, via email and on our social media. *WE
NEED YOU to come out and operate our radios and promote ham radio! *This is
one of the biggest events in ham radio nationwide all year! There will be
"general public" promotional flyers at the club general meeting this month
which we would love for you to grab and post anywhere you can! Help us get
the word out, promote the event, promote the hobby, and bring in as many
new hams into the fold as possible. Much more to come in the next few
weeks. Including our first training session for Field Day (and POTA)
volunteers on May 14th and 15th (see details below).
*The BVARC Beacon Newsletter for May 2023 is out! *
*Find it here <https://bvarc.org/newsletter/202305.pdf>.*
*BVARC Calendar for May 2023:*
*BVARC VE Test Session*
*Saturday May 6th at 10:30am*
You can sign up now on our website (BVARC.org
<https://bvarc.org/home/ham-radio-license-testing-houston/>) to take an FCC
license exam to get your ham radio license or upgrade to General or Extra.
Bayland Community Center
6400 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074
*BVARC Board of Directors Meeting*
*Sunday May 7th at 5:00pm*
Please take note: The BoD is now meeting on the Sunday before the Second
Thursday of the month at 5pm (with few exceptions). This meeting will take
place on Zoom only, and is open to all members to attend if they would like.
On Zoom
See BVARC.org for the link on the day of the meeting.
*BVARC General Meeting*
*Thursday May 11th at 7:00pm*
*There will be food!* But you *MUST RSVP* if you plan to attend in-person!
The RSVP Deadline is May 8th at noon. Please email Prez Mike N5VCX at att.net
to RSVP. This will allow the food team to prepare the right amount of food
for everyone. The meeting will also be available to attend via Zoom, BUT I
highly encourage you to attend in person if you can. Our presentation will
be by Mark Janzer (K5MGJ) concerning "Ships Across America and the World
Museum Ships Weekend". He will recap the work session that took place in
April, cover details about MSWE, and have open discussion on planning for
the event. MSWE takes place on June 2nd-4th, contact Mark if you'd like to
help out!
Volunteer Fire Station #4
16005 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77083
*Repair Visit for Museum Ships Weekend*
*Saturday May 13th*
Mark Janzer (K5MGJ) will be making the trip to the Galveston Naval Museum
with volunteers to make preparations for Museum Ships Weekend. If you are
interested in helping, please contact Mark Janzer k5mgj at yahoo.com.
Galveston Naval Museum
100 Seawolf Park Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77554
*BVARC Special Operators Training #1*
*Sunday May 14th or Monday May 15th 6pm-8pm*
After lots of talk, I'm finally putting this event on paper. I will be
giving the *same lecture on Sunday and again on Monday* so those with
schedule conflicts can make them. This will be the first of a few different
training sessions for BVARC volunteers with an emphasis on operating and
assisting at Field Day and POTA. In this first session we will be covering
the basics of ham radio, essential knowledge, and everything I can put out
in two hours to prepare those who attend for next training "lab" (which
will be in person) where we will get your hands on radios and have you run
through setup, logging and so on. This is a big undertaking, and if you
want to be a part of the *BVARC Spec-Ops team*, you will need to attend.
Members who attend all lectures and labs and demonstrate their abilities in
the field will receive a special *item *they can wear with pride. But most
importantly we want those who attend to have all the tools they need to run
BVARC on the air events. More details to come...
This event will be via *Zoom*
Link to be posted on BVARC.org the day of the event and via the reflector.
*Brews with BVARC*
*Tuesday May 16th at 6:30pm*
This month we're meeting at Fullbrook Ale Works in Richmond. Come out if you
can, be safe, be responsible, and have a great time with your fellow hams.
Fulbrook Ale Works
1125 FM 359
Richmond, TX 77406
*BVARC POTA @ Brazos Bend State Park*
*Sunday May 28th 10am - 5pm*
Anthony (W5LIC) and I will be returning to where it all started this month,
Brazos Bend State Park! We invite anyone interested in POTA to come out and
operate on our equipment or bring your own. We'll be happy to have you out
there and help you get on the air.
Brazos Bend State Park
21901 FM 762
Needville, TX 77461
*Note:* There may be a few things coming down the pipeline for May that
were not covered here. But I will send out updates as those events are
We are looking for members to step-up and join our new committees! We are
looking for folks with skills or interest in helping the club take care of
all the nuts and bolts that make it run. Prez Mike (N5VCX) has asked for
volunteers for the following committees (please contact him if you're
- Membership
- Club Events
- Newsletter
- Web site
- Elmering
- Financial
- Committee Management
*New Newsletter Editor:*
We are also looking for a new editor for the club newsletter the BVARC
Beacon. As you may have already seen in this month's Beacon article from
our President (Mike N5VCX): Our faithful editor John Chauvin K5IZO is
stepping down after nearly two decades of service to the club in that role.
Please see details in Mike's article in the May 2023 Beacon. I want to
personally thank John for editing our newsletter with such dedication for
so many years (far longer than I've been a member). Thank you John!
The position does (by its nature) require someone with a decent
understanding of word processing software (inserting text, sizing images,
generating PDFs etc), as well as a good grasp of English spelling, grammar,
punctuation, and so on. It's a rarely talked about position in our club,
but it is absolutely essential. If it sounds like something you'd be good
at and would enjoy, please reach out to John (K5IZO at yahoo.com) with your
qualifications, experience, and a bit about your interest in becoming the
Newsletter Editor.
That's the rundown that I have. I will have much much more to come, so stay
tuned. Please reach out to me or any BVARC board member if you have any
questions or concerns about our club events, volunteering, or anything else
ham radio related. We're here for you!
Thanks for being a member. Thank you for your time. Have a great May, and
Kori Rahman, WX5KR
*Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club*
*Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee*
Cell: (770) 298 8516
Kori113 at gmail.com
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