[BVARC] 146.940 Repeater Problems and Repeater Operation

Chris Medlin ctmedlin at outlook.com
Sun Jun 18 03:06:49 CDT 2023

This is correct. CW is legal anywhere on any ham band, otherwise every cw repeater identifier would be in violation.

Seemed to me that thc simply inadvertently was on the wrong band on his radio. I’m quite sure he has said his rig has hf and 2m on it.

And that example is a great reason to learn the code. His callsign is the “easy” letters and was only sending at around 10 wpm.

If you simply learn the letters, you can copy 5 wpm. That used to be the requirement for the Novice license.


Typos brought to you by iPhone

On Jun 17, 2023, at 19:57, Eddie Runner via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

Hi Marvin,

the CW had a call sign,, I presume the call sign was of the sender
the call sign i heard one morning calling CQ was w5thc..
I do not think it was illegal.. I think you can use CW on any ham band.

Eddie (NU5K)

On Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 06:52:39 PM CDT, Suggs, Marvin (KTRK-TV) via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

Did they find out who was sending CW over the 146.94 machine a week ago Friday?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 17, 2023, at 2:49 PM, Eddie Runner via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

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When something like this happens its pretty simple for EVERYONE to monitor
the 146.34 input to the repeater and forward signal reports.. Most folks have a rev
button... this is what its for.

Last night Suzanne (KF5GWZ) and I set out to find the problem and we did.

We had a few previous reports (Guesses??) like Mike forwarded, but that
didn't match the results Suzanne and I were getting.. I think the area
that was under suspicion WAS NOT the area we went to... All those calls
would have been a waste..

We used the signal strength meter on a mobile rig (icom r7000) and a
handheld with a signal strength meter as well, monitoring 146.34.

Took a little over an hour then after it was fixed,
we stopped and had some good tx mex for dinner..

It was a fun Friday Date night..  ha ha
Wish more folks were out there to join us, we had a blast..

Eddie (NU5K)
PS - good subject for future BVARC training...

On Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 02:07:05 PM CDT, John Denison via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

I'm glad this issue was resolved, and for what its worth, there are at least 50 hams in the area which would have made it time consuming to contact each one. This was a good (not good) unplanned fox hunt, and it reminds me of the time there was interference on the 146.92 repeater years ago. At the time I had an Icom mobile which had an attenuator on the squelch control, so it was relatively easy to narrow the signal down to a few square blocks.

This is one of the things I like about ham radio the most... hams coming together to offer a service or resolve an issue.

John Denison

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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