[BVARC] June Schedule and FIELD DAY!
Kori Rahman
kori113 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 21:20:22 CDT 2023
Hello everyone,
To make sure we are all on the same page about scheduling, here is the
latest and most complete information for everything in June in
chronological order (please note this is the first announcement of the *BVARC
Spec-Ops Training #3 June 19th*). All Field Day flyers are attached. My
presentation from the General Meeting can be found here
*Field Day Planning Meeting on Zoom*
*Wednesday June 14th 6pm - 8pm*
Zoom Link HERE
*In-Person Field Day Planning Meeting at the Field Day Location*
*Saturday June 17th 1pm - 3pm*
*Fort Bend County Fire Training Field*
260 Clay St.
Richmond, TX 77469
*BVARC Spec-Ops Training #3: Antennas, impedance, etc.*
*Monday June 19th 6pm - 8pm*
Because we have had a few issues timing these and a few folks who intended
to make them missed them. I am working on a solution for those who missed
any of the training sessions. I will announce those plans in July. For now,
please try to make this one if you can.
Zoom Link HERE
*Field Day Planning Meeting on Zoom*
*Wednesday June 21st 6pm - 8pm*
Zoom Link HERE
*Field Day Setup*
*Friday June 23rd Noon until we finish (probably around 5pm-6pm)*
Note: We will still have staff on the site overnight.
Volunteer Sign-Up here: Tinyurl.com/FieldDayVolunteers2023
Fort Bend County Fire Training Field
260 Clay St.
Richmond, TX 77469
*Field Day Starts!*
*Saturday June 24th*
*Saturday Schedule* (subject to change, but I will give notice if changes
occur, Daphne should have the full and corrected times for meals soon):
- *If you are a volunteer and want to get there early we will have
breakfast as early as ~8am at the pavilion.*
- *9:00 am - Official hours for guests and the public start*
- 9:15 am - Volunteer Briefing (for those who are on-site) at the
- *Balloon Launch expected*, currently launch time is TBD.
- 10:00 am - Contesting 101 Presentation by Dave K5GN in Classroom A
- 11:00 am - DMR presentation by Richard KG5YCU in Classroom A
- Noon - NTS Traffic Presentation by Sheree WM5N Via Zoom in Classroom A
- Lunch around noon, eating location Breakroom and pavilion for overflow
- 1:00 pm - 10m Dipole Build Class by Marc KI5ZHO in Classroom A
- 2:00 pm - EFHW Build Class by Stephen W2WF in Classroom A
- 4:30 pm - Raffle Drawing in Classroom A
- ~5 pm - 7 pm Rough window for Satellite Contact (outside, location TBD)
- Dinner time TBD Likely around 6pm +/- 1 hour Eating location will be
Classroom A and overflow at the Pavilion.
- 8:00 pm - Sleeping quarters will open up in the Breakroom for folks to
set up, and lights out no later than 10pm.
- All stations will continue to operate throughout the night.
*Station Sign-up sheet:*
Tiny.CC/2023FieldDay <http://tiny.cc/2023FieldDay>
*Volunteer Sign-up sheet: *Tinyurl.com/FieldDayVolunteers2023
*Antenna Build Class Sign-up sheet: *
*Location: *
Fort Bend County Fire Training Field
260 Clay St.
Richmond, TX 77469
*Field Day site antenna and building map:*
[image: image.png]
*Field Day Main Building Map:*
[image: image.png]
*Field Day Sunday*
*Sunday June 25th*
Sunday we will continue operating the stations (please sign-up if you plan
to operate with us), completing any final Bonus Point activities throughout
the morning. We will have breakfast, again please wait for Daphne to
provide the final schedule for meals, but I suspect meals will be served
around 8am for breakfast and noon for lunch.
The *contest ends just before 1pm local time*. Afterwards we will
immediately begin breakdown of the stations, collection of all data and
clearing out equipment and personnel from the site. Please try to stick
around to help us clean up, and sign-up if you can to be on the clean up
crew (on the volunteer sheet). If we play things just right, I think we can
be out by 5pm.
*Location:* Fort Bend County Fire Training Field
260 Clay St.
Richmond, TX 77469
Let me know if you have any questions, Please sign-up for operating
positions and volunteering. If you have anything you'd like to donate for
the raffle contact me directly. I hope to see you at the planning meetings
and at Field Day!
Thanks and 73!
Kori Rahman, WX5KR
*Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club*
*Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee*
Cell: (770) 298 8516
Kori113 at gmail.com
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