[BVARC] Reminder: Spec-Ops Training #2 Tomorrow

Kori Rahman kori113 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 18:47:05 CDT 2023

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick reminder I will be doing the second Spec-Ops training *tomorrow
June (11th) on Zoom at 6pm*. This will be a follow-up to our training #1,
and will cover in more detail the following: N1MM, FT8 and other digital
modes, and log files. We’ll cover the installation and setup of N1MM, some
of the shortcut keys and ways you can use the software in a multi-station
environment. We’ll cover the installation and setup of WSJT-X. You’ll learn
how to make contacts using FT8. We’ll also try to cover a little bit more
about log files and submitting them to QRZ and the POTA.App website as time

Zoom link will be posted on the website and sent out via email tomorrow.

Thanks and 73!

Kori Rahman, WX5KR
*Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club*

*Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee*
Cell: (770) 298 8516

Kori113 at gmail.com
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