[BVARC] Field Day 2023 Sign-up sheets!

wb5itt wb5itt at att.net
Thu Jun 8 22:08:36 CDT 2023

The Beaumont Club did something similar recently and made about a $5,000 profit. You might want to check with WA5GEO who was spearheading it... Larry used to be in news anchor on Channel 6 here in Beaumont and of course checked all the legal ramifications..Chris WB5ITT Sent via my Samsung Galaxy S10e, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone..so there! 😂
-------- Original message --------From: Mike Knerr via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> Date: 6/8/23  9:56 PM  (GMT-06:00) To: BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc at bvarc.org> Cc: Mike Knerr <mike5586mike at gmail.com> Subject: Re: [BVARC] Field Day 2023 Sign-up sheets! Kori,I don't think we can call it a raffle if we use the door prize tickets.If I remember correctly raffle tickets have to have the prizes prinyon the tickets.(legal reasons).Let's just call it door prizes.Mike Knerr KI5UBL 73 On Thu, Jun 1, 2023, 5:02 AM Kori Rahman via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:Good morning BVARC,They are finally here! The sign up sheets for all of our station operating positions, volunteers, AND the antenna build class! We have a LOT of volunteer spots for you to sign up for, please sign up as soon as you can. We also need folks to operate our stations! Please plan on signing up for a few hours of operating so we can make as many contacts as possible! As the general rule goes, 10m-20m are best during daylight hours, and 20m - 80m are best during the nighttime hours. Keep this in mind when signing up for spots. We will need many voice operators this year, so please sign up now. When you arrive you will be given some brief instructions as needed and there will be band plans, scripts on how to call CQ and other reference materials.Volunteers, please sign up now, we will need approximately 8 people volunteering per hour for Saturday. Those are a lot of hours, so fill in where you can. We will need a crew for Friday to set up, help Saturday with the talk-in, information table etc., and a clean up crew for Sunday. See the sign-up sheet below and review the descriptions there. The volunteer frequency plan is also listed on the sign up sheet.We will have our first meeting about Field Day at the BVARC General meeting on Thursday June 8th, and we will have at least one meeting every week from then until Field Day. Please stay up -to-date on the reflector news and the website for more information.Station Operators Sign-up Sheet:Field Day Operators Sign-Up SheetVolunteer Sign-Up Sheet:Tinyurl.com/FieldDayVolunteers2023Antenna Build Class Sign-Up Sheet (for both the 10m dipole and EFHW multi-band antenna):Tinyurl.com/FieldDay2023AntennaBuildIf you have any questions or issues, please let me know. Thanks and 73!Kori Rahman, WX5KRBrazos Valley Amateur Radio ClubVice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W TrusteeCell: (770) 298 8516Kori113 at gmail.com
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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