[BVARC] BVARC General Meeting - Thursday, June 8th - RSVP Request and Update

Mike Hardwick n5vcx at att.net
Wed Jun 7 07:58:24 CDT 2023

The time is getting closer so I am sending out one last reminder for RSVP for the Thursday meeting.
There has been a great response on RSVP's so far and I really appreciate it. This really helps on determining on the amount of food to get for the meeting. 
Also there is an update on the choices of pizzas. The list is now:                        Extravaganzza            Buffalo Chicken
            Pacific Veggie            Wisconsin 6 Cheese            Ultimate Pepperoni - added            MeatZZa - added

As before, please include the following on your RSVP:
How many people attending?
How many pieces of pizza 
What kind of pizza?
The cut-off for the RSVP will be extended to 10 pm this evening so make your choices and drop me an e-mail. 
And you can send that RSVP to n5vcx at att.net . 
Hope to see you at the meeting.
Mike Hardwick, N5VCXPresidentBrazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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