[BVARC] Vice President's Update June 2023
Chris Medlin
ctmedlin at outlook.com
Fri Jun 2 13:36:37 CDT 2023
If you know the letters you can copy 5wpm.
5wpm was the requirement for the Novice class license.
You can almost take a sip from of your coffee between letters if you are accustomed to 13+wpm
Typos brought to you by iPhone
On Jun 2, 2023, at 11:09, W5CQN via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows
From: Kori Rahman via BVARC<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 8:58 AM
To: BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>
Cc: Kori Rahman<mailto:kori113 at gmail.com>
Subject: [BVARC] Vice President's Update June 2023
Hello everyone!
We've got a very active month ahead. Today (Friday June 2nd) Museum Ships weekend begins! Mark Janzer (K5MGJ) and all the great volunteers with him will be getting ready at the USS Stewart and USS Cavalla. to get on the air this weekend to represent these historic vessels. See BVARC.org<http://bvarc.org/> for more details.
Field Day is just 3 weeks away! We are looking for volunteers and operators, so please fill in the sign up sheets below. There are lots of folks planning to come out, just make sure you snap up your operating positions now! Volunteers are going to be essential to make this event a success.This will be a multi-club event with KARS, TDXS, and UHARC joining us this year. Saturday will be mainly focused on education and presentations, as well as operating the radios and getting QSOs. Bring your friends and family, introduce them to ham radio, get them on the air, and have some fun with us. After 6pm we will wrap up most of the educational activities and shift gears to focus on getting contacts and bonus points. There are a few more details in the June calendar below, in the flyer attached, and I will be covering Field Day in detail at this month's BVARC General Meeting on June 8th.
Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet:
Station Operators Sign-up Sheet:
Field Day Operators Sign-Up Sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uVTuo7hwwusEMT4f2jA7dEBtgjdM0hSGgK0khUUXmd0/edit#gid=0>
Antenna Build Class Sign-Up Sheet
(for both the 10m dipole and EFHW multi-band antenna):
BVARC POTA is postponed till July due to the various on-air activities we want to focus on this month (especially Field Day which will be taking place around our usual POTA times). I would like to let everyone know that our last event was a great success with about 20 attendees, and some AWESOME food prepared for us by Marc KI5ZHO (thank you again Marc). We were also visited by Jayant KG5LJZ, and he wrote a wonderful post about our May POTA event on the Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club website! <https://www.w5rrr.org/2023/05/31/jayant-kg5ljz-visits-bvarc-park-activation/> We want to thank him for coming out and letting the great folks at W5RRR know about our events. We hope to do some more collaborating with those folks in the future. See you at BVARC POTA on July 23rd at Stephen F. Austin State Park!
BVARC Calendar for June 2023:
Museum Ships Weekend!
Friday June 2nd - Sunday June 4th
BVARC members will be operating and communicating with the 90+ other historic vessels in the United States and around the world. Due to the unique situation of Seawolf Park having the USS Stewart and USS Cavalla at the same location, any contact will provide an extra claimed ship QSO contact (2 for 1). Three operating positions are planned with SSB and CW modes available. For further info see the BVARC.org website.
Galveston Naval Museum
100 Seawolf Park Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77554
BVARC Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday June 4th at 5:00pm
Please take note: The BoD is now meeting on the Sunday before the Second Thursday of the month at 5pm (with few exceptions). This meeting will take place on Zoom only, and is open to all members to attend if they would like.
On Zoom
See BVARC.org<http://bvarc.org/> for the link on the day of the meeting.
Brews with BVARC
Tuesday June 6th at 6:30pm
This month we're meeting at True Anomaly Brewing Company in Houston. They have a nice selection of brews and their space science theme is really cool. Come out if you can, be safe, be responsible, and have a great time with your fellow hams.
True Anomaly Brewing Company
2012 Dallas St.
Houston, TX 77003
BVARC General Meeting
Thursday June 8th at 7:00pm
This BVARC General Meeting will be all about Field Day 2023. We will discuss our plans, the general layout of the site, Field Day schedule, and the various volunteer and operating positions. This meeting will kick off our June planning meetings for Field Day. Please come out to learn more about participating at Field Day, have some food, and hang out with your fellow members.
Volunteer Fire Station #4
16005 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77083
BVARC VE Test Session
Saturday June 10th at 10:30am
You can sign up now on our website (BVARC.org<https://bvarc.org/home/ham-radio-license-testing-houston/>) to take an FCC license exam to get your ham radio license or upgrade to General or Extra.
Bayland Community Center
6400 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074
BVARC Special Operators Training #2
Sunday June 11th 6pm - 8pm
This will be a follow-up to our training #1, and will cover in more detail the following: N1MM, FT8 and other digital modes, and log files. We'll cover the installation and setup of N1MM, some of the shortcut keys and ways you can use the software in a multi-station environment. We'll cover the installation and setup of WSJT-X. You'll learn how to make contacts using FT8. We'll also try to cover a little bit more about log files and submitting them to QRZ and the POTA.App website as time permits.
This event will be via Zoom
Link to be posted on BVARC.org the day of the event and via the reflector.
Field Day Planning Meetings
Wednesday June 14th and Wednesday June 21st
If you are planning on volunteering at Field Day (and we hope you will), these meetings will get everyone on the same page about our plans. We will be discussing volunteer roles, status of bonus points, delegating any remaining tasks.These meetings will be via Zoom, we will also try to work in more meetings before Field Day (possibly in-person), so keep an eye out for info on those.
On Zoom
See BVARC.org<http://bvarc.org/> for the link on the day of the meeting.
ARRL Field Day 2023!!!!!!
Saturday June 24th 9am - Sunday June 25th 5pm
Field Day will be a ton of fun and hopefully a very successful educational and contesting event! Please sign up to volunteer so we can make this event go smoothly. We plan to operate 10A (meaning we will have 10 HF radios operating simultaneously on non-commercial power), using voice (SSB), CW, and digital modes. There will be several presentations (on DMR, NTS Traffic and more) and two antenna build classes! The antenna build classes have limited space so sign up as soon as you can. If you have any family members that you want to introduce ham radio to, this is the event to bring them out for! We will have a Get On The Air (GOTA) Station they can operate at with a helping ham there to guide them. We will be making a satellite contact as well! Full event schedule should be posted to the BVARC website next week. See you there!
Fort Bend County Fire Training Field
260 Clay St.
Richmond, TX 77469
Note: There may be a few things coming down the pipeline for June that were not covered here. But I will send out updates as those events are announced.
That's the rundown that I have. I will have much much more to come, so stay tuned. Please reach out to me or any BVARC board member if you have any questions or concerns about our club events, volunteering, or anything else ham radio related. We're here for you!
Thanks for being a member. Thank you for your time. Have a great May, and 73!
Kori Rahman, WX5KR
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee
Cell: (770) 298 8516
Kori113 at gmail.com<mailto:Kori113 at gmail.com>
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
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BVARC at bvarc.org
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