[BVARC] BVARC Annual Banquet - Deadline Coming Up

Mike Hardwick n5vcx at att.net
Sat Dec 30 09:48:58 CST 2023

The BVARC annual banquet is coming up fast with the cut-off date in just a few days. The sales of the food tickets have been very slow. If you plan to come to the banquet, please purchase your ticket as soon as possible. Please go to the BVARC main page to order your food tickets for the banquet. We have to have the orders in for the caterer no later than January 3rd. 
Award nominations have been limited as well. If you are not aware of the awards and what they are for, below is a list of the awards.  

The Loop and Zepp Award - This award is presented to the club member that has exhibited outstanding service in the area of HF operation and use. 
The K1JT Award - This award is presented to the club member that has exhibited outstanding service in the area of VHF and above operation and use.
The Dr Bill Award -  This award is presented to the club member that has exhibited outstanding service as a Volunteer Examiner.   
The Order of the Key Award - The clubs highest award. This award is presented to the club member that has exhibited outstanding service for the club and amateur radio as a whole. 
Recommendations can also be made for Presidential awards, Appreciation awards or any other recommendation for outstanding service by a club member.  

For the awards nominations, please send an e-mail to n5vcx at att.net with your recommendations. All nominations must be in by no later than January 3rd.  
More information on the banquet and awards please go to the BVARC web site.  

Remember the banquet is to honor those club members that have worked hard and have been diligent on providing support for the club and the amateur radio service.  
If you have any questions, please contact me. 
Hope everyone has a great New Year.   

Mike Hardwick, N5VCXPresidentBrazos Valley Amateur Radio Club713-826-6917
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