[BVARC] Interesting article about FT8
Mike Knerr
mike5586mike at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 14:09:35 CST 2023
I thought CW was the first digital mode.
Mike Knerr KI5UBL 73
On Fri, Dec 29, 2023, 1:30 PM Jeffery MacMillian via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> I find it interesting that we are still having philosophical discussions
> about FT8. I run all modes and what I love best about FT8 is that it works
> even when SSB or CW will not. It allows me to make contacts well below the
> noise floor. It also concentrates many hams in a3k block on each band. I
> think it is a silly notion that it is destroying Ham Radio. It seems to be
> a natural evolution of the hobby. I often work FT8 with a group on zoom and
> it stirs up excitement to see rare DX or expeditions show up in the
> waterfall.
> I hear that it takes no skill to operate digital modes, but at the same
> time we often have to help people get onboard. This would imply that it
> takes a different set of skills. There are also several different operating
> schemes that can be deployed in order to make a successful contact.
> What I don't hear much from the guys that run digital are things like CW
> or SSB are ruining the hobby. The entire concept of a mode of operation
> ruining the hobby sounds just as silly in this context as it does for FT8.
> Did FT8 save the hobby? That is just as silly as the other side of the
> discussion. I do believe it enhanced the hobby and it allowed many hams to
> enjoy the airwaves during the low point of the solar cycle.
> The internet is destroying the world, but not Ham Radio. If you
> Facebook Twitter, Tick Tock, or engage in misleading propaganda with Email,
> well that is where the real danger thrives. They used to say " Don't
> Believe Everything You Read" For some strange reason no one seems to apply
> any critical thinking skills to the internet. There is certainly some
> entertainment value to Anti-Social Media, but it certainly should not be
> elevated to an official news source or guiding authority over people's
> lives. They have been very effective at stirring the pot of humanity and
> motivating people to think and feel a certain way using propaganda as a
> source.
> I am an all band all mode sort of ham. There are so many aspects to this
> hobby and I find new ways to enjoy them all. I could see the FCC, ARRL, or
> other organization that could destroy ham radio, but I don't see that
> coming from an operation mode.
> If you haven't experienced FT8 or any of the digital modes, then I
> encourage you to do so. It is a great part of the hobby. If you don't find
> a way to enjoy FT8, you can always get your money back. :) CW and SSB will
> always be there when you need it.
> Have Fun,
> Jeff
> On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 8:54 PM Jimmy Vance via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> wrote:
>> What does the Internet have to do with FT8?
>> On 12/27/2023 8:43 PM, rodney martinez via BVARC wrote:
>> I am Non-FT8.
>> If I want to communicate using internet, I will simply email.
>> Antennae required. No disrespect to all the FT8's though.
>> 73's, Rod
>> NK5Q
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature>
>> On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 18:33, K5BOU via BVARC
>> <bvarc at bvarc.org> <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
>> FT8: Saving or Destroying Ham Radio? (onallbands.com)
>> <https://www.onallbands.com/ft8-saving-or-destroying-ham-radio/>
>> K5BOU-PhilippeBoucaumont
>> Houston*|*Texas*|*USA*|*
>> https://mccrarymeadowsweather.com/
>> [image: A logo of a radio companyDescription automatically generated][image:
>> A yellow and black logoDescription automatically generated][image: A
>> logo of a networkDescription automatically generated]
>> #77940
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