[BVARC] POTA Sunday December 17th.

Kori Rahman kori113 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 23:25:46 CST 2023

Howdy BVARC,

I just wanted to drop a quick reminder about the club POTA event this*
Sunday Dec. 17th from 10am to 4pm at Sheldon Lake State Park*. Don't forget
there will also be a* pre-POTA net at 8pm Saturday Dec. 16th on 40m at or
near 7.265MHz* (spin that VFO dial around until you find them or check the
BVARC email reflector for live updates). Big shout out to Sean N5LNK for
being NCO for the net. We will of course be bringing out some sausages,
snacks, and drinks, you're welcome to bring your own as well. The weather
is looking cool and sunny so I anticipate a great day for radio.

[image: PXL_20231119_193930907.jpg]
[image: PXL_20231119_171437592.jpg]

*Some important details:*

   - The Park is *FREE* to access!
   - *We will have at least 4 HF radios *(40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, and
   possibly 17m or 80m) that you can use if you don't have your own. So all
   you need to bring is yourself, some water, and maybe some snacks.
   - If you'd like to bring your own radio, we have a few antennas you can
   use (or you can set up yours) and the appropriate filters. But again, you
   don't *need *to bring any equipment.
   - *Technician class licensees ARE WELCOME!* You *CAN *operate the
   stations on ALL HF bands that are available and get POTA credit for
   contacts you make. You will be required to use the club call sign (ask me
   or Anthony W5LIC for details upon arrival).
   - If you're a Tech class license holder and would like to operate on 10m
   you may do so under your own call sign if the station is open (the 10m
   band has been wide-open lately).
   - Of course, you do not have to operate the radios. You can just come
   out for a fun time with your fellow hams.
   - 10 contacts are all that are required to "activate" the park. You can
   log with paper, or with any apps you prefer (we recommend the HAMRS App
   - Sign up on the POTA.app <http://pota.app/> website to upload your logs
   after the event.


Sheldon Lake State Park
14140 Garrett Rd.
Houston, TX 77044

Sunday December 17th, 2023
[image: PXL_20231119_183550891.jpg]

If you've been curious about trying CW, FT8, or Winlink (VARA HF, 2m Packet
etc.) we will have those as optional modes you can try (more to come in the
future). As before, if you can't make this event, we will be doing this
monthly for the foreseeable future. It's a lot of fun, and we hope to see
you out there Sunday or any other time we're out at the parks. Contact my
indispensable partner in the BVARC POTA project* Anthony (W5LIC)* or myself
if you have any questions about this event.

Thanks and 73!

Kori Rahman, WX5KR
*Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club*

*Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee*
Cell: (770) 298 8516

Kori113 at gmail.com
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