[BVARC] Antenna Article Understanding Help Needed

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 12:10:03 CST 2023

Concerning the QST December 5/8th WL Vertical.   I had requested from the
author more detailed information on the design aspect of the vertical.
 Henry  and the actual designer, Pekka, OH3WAV, have responded with a
plethora of design information answering all of my questions and

I have compiled all of this information into 5 PDF files of about 5 Mb

5 PDF's --The full article,  K4ERO Analysis,  Chokes for other bands and
some advantages, OH3WAV Design Info and OH3WAV Answers to my questions.

Some info is probably beyond the current understanding level of a few
members just starting out, but it is an excellent teaching moment for them
and for other more experienced members.  So...if you would like the 5 files
please send me a request note DIRECTLY to me.  NOT thru the reflector. and
I will send them your way.

I'd like to hear your comments as you work your way thru the design.   Keep
us all posted.

73,,,Rick  W5RH    rickhiller73 at gmail.com

On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 3:24 PM Rick Hiller <rickhiller73 at gmail.com> wrote:

> *For those interested in the QST Nov and Dec antenna designs, my note of
> Nov 19th requesting insight has been answered by me finding additional
> information in the latest QEX for the LPi and the QST Extra Info pages for
> the 5/8 wl vertical.    For the 5/8th wl the URL is at the end of the
> article.  I am still working thru this additional info but it looks like it
> might just be the fog clearing PDF's for these articles.*
> *GL and 73...Rick  W5RH*
> *From:* BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, November 17, 2023 8:13 PM
> *Subject:* [BVARC] Antenna Article Understanding Help Needed
> I usually try to understand the antenna articles in QST.   Most are
> straight forward and have a reasonable explanation of how the antenna
> works.  The Dec 2023 QST has the "OH3JF 5/8 WL Vertical Dipole".   He tells
> you what to do to build it (sort of) but doesn't tell you what makes it all
> work.   I have looked at it every which way to no avail.  The numbers just
> don't match to a 5/8 wl antenna and I do not understand the reason, values
> and positions for the capacitor stub and the "matching stub".   Best guess
> he is shortening a longer antenna to 5/8th wl ...no....forget I said
> that....I just don't know.  I look at the added info he references and that
> gave no clue either.
> I'll keep digging. (Unfortunately, as a non--native English speaker his
> grammar is not so hot)
> Anybody out there have a different take on this antenna's design and
> theory?  I sure would appreciate being set straight.
> Thanks and 73...Rick  W5RH
> --
> Rick Hiller
> *e-mail:     rickhiller73 at gmail.com <rickhiller73 at gmail.com>*
> *Cell/VM/Text:        832-474-3713*
> *Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
> *               Houston, TX 77036*

Rick Hiller
*e-mail:     rickhiller73 at gmail.com <rickhiller73 at gmail.com>*
*Cell/VM/Text:        832-474-3713*
*Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
*               Houston, TX 77036*
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