[BVARC] simple 1/2 wave and 5/8 wave coaxial verticals

Gary Sitton gasitton at comcast.net
Sun Dec 3 10:40:46 CST 2023

     Regarding recent conversations on 5/8 wave vertical antennas:


     Open this website with a browser and open one of the articles

on "Double 5/8 Flower Pot" verticals.   This 5/8 wave vertical dipole

may be constructed using some RG-59 coax and a bit of soldering.

The antenna uses the coax itself to form 1/4 wave sleeve transformers

to convert the dipole's 100 ohm feed point to 50 ohms.  The coil of

RG-59 is used to choke off the sneak RF path on the outer portion of

the coax.  It takes a bit of thought to understand this system but it

actually works well.  The entire antenna should be covered using a

1" section of PVC as shown else the SWR will rise when it gets wet.

I have implemented the simpler 1/2 wave "Flower Pot" vertical using

RG-8X coax for my 2 mtr. base station antenna.  I currently use a  QRO

1/2 wave vertical dipole on 20 mtrs. using the same principle.

Gary Sitton, K5AMH
gasitton at comcast.net
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