[BVARC] BVARC Beacon Newsletter August 2023

John Denison kd5you at comcast.net
Fri Aug 18 22:04:34 CDT 2023

I was really surprised to see that I was mentioned in the BVARC Bright 
Stars article in August 2023 edition of the BVARC Beacon. It was very 
much appreciated.

There was one small typo that I thought I should mention... The Fulshear 
Flea market should be Fulshear Farmers market. 😁

If anyone wants to see a list of vendors, the Fulshear Farmers Market 
has a Facebook page called Forever Fulshear, and the list of vendors for 
Saturday's event is posted each week.

John Denison

On 8/4/2023 12:17 PM, Eddie Runner via BVARC wrote:
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