[BVARC] Something Fun To Do, HF Radio-wise, this coming Weekend -- NAQP

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 18:43:41 CDT 2023

Want to partake in a fun on-air event this weekend?   The *North American
QSO Party -- Phone* takes place 1 PM (local) Saturday until 12:59:59 AM
(local) Sunday 12 hours later.

Two things make this a great contest for the beginner or low power (100 W)
ham. * First*, it is a phone contest -- just talk and log.  *Second*, all
stations are limited to 100 watts maximum, so no California Kilowatts
blasting you out of the water.

N3FJP has specific NAQP logging software available or you can roll your

Bands are 160 thru 10 (no WARC, of course)
Exchange -- Name and State
Simple as that.  You will hear short, friendly exchanges of  i.e. "Rick in
Texas, Radio India Charlie Kilo in Tango Xray"
'Point and shoot' or Run if you wish.
Operate up to 10 hours of the 12.  See rules for specifics on this.

Find full contest rules at    *https://www.ncjweb.com/NAQP-Rules.pdf

*Enjoy your on-air time....73....Rick  W5RH*
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