[BVARC] Fwd: Please publicize Free, Zoom Technician Licensing Course starting Sept 7

Gus Bernard gnelnard at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 10:21:50 CDT 2023

See below, from Rol Anders.  I took his last Extra Course, and it was
pretty good - convenient and thorough.  Once you register, you get access
to materials and recordings on his Google Drive (if you miss a class, you
can watch a recording).  They do a live Tech, General and Extra every year.

However, FYI as stated in an earlier thread, I thought Gary W4EEY and
Dave's YouTube course was better, and more convenient if you can't do the
live Zoom.  https://w4eey.com/ham-license-classes.html.  They have
seriously improved their format and presentation over the last few years.
Each class is a separate YouTube video, and materials are in a Dropbox
folder.  (BTW, they also do a live Tech, General and Extra Zoom
version every year.)

The main difference between the two is in the manner of organization and
presentation, and you may like one over the other.  I think Gary's is much
a more modern, polished and professional presentation (and therefore more
effective).  Of course, taking either live Zoom course allows you to
participate live and ask questions during the class.

If you take W4EEY's most recent course AND do HamtestOnline.com at the same
time, you can skip buying the ARRL exam book (or save a bunch and
buy/borrow an older version from a friend).  (HamtestOnline is much better
than reading the ARRL book, but you won't have a bookshelf reference if
that's important to you.)


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <roland.anders at comcast.net>
Date: Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 11:09 PM
Subject: Please publicize Free, Zoom Technician Licensing Course starting
Sept 7
To: <extraclass2023 at googlegroups.com>

Please publicize Free, Zoom Technician Licensing Course starting Sept 7

A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio Technician Class Licensing course on
Zoom will begin on Thursday, Sept  7, and will run through Thursday,
October  19  (7 sessions).    The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM
Eastern Time.  These are the classes that we have been holding for years
sponsored by the National Electronics Museum.  Please publicize this with
anyone you know that you think would be interested.  Those wishing to sign
up should email me at roland.anders at comcast.net.



Rol Anders, K3RA
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