[BVARC] High power EFHW Antenna/ MFJ-1982HP

mike.williams shopjubilee.com mike.williams at shopjubilee.com
Tue Aug 15 10:39:17 CDT 2023

Time to pick your brains…

I am interested in EFHW antennas for primary use on 20/40/80m – but want to be able to run my Worthmore 600w amplifier.
I found a MFJ model - MFJ-1982HP is rated for 800pep

This antenna is available in three power ratings:
MFJ-1982LP – 30w
MFJ-1982MP – 300w
MFJ-1982HP – 800w

Anyone have experience with this antenna?

A couple of questions –

  1.  If you have experience with high power (>= 600w) transformers for EFHW antennas, what design did you use
     *   Core type and number of cores
        *    type 53 has a higher curie temp as opposed to type 43....
     *   Wire AWG?
     *   I see a number of YouTube videos recommending 56:1 as 49:1
        *   Comments?

  1.  What is your recommended wire for the radiation element?
     *   Material –

                                                    i.     Copper over steel?

                                                   ii.     Hard-drawn copper?

                                                  iii.     Other


                                                    i.     Number of Strands & strand count?

c. Jacket material

d. Other?

Your guidance is appreciated!
Mike KK5SC

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