[BVARC] K5WH-117, BLT-117

Craig Coussens craigc at qbmax.com
Fri Aug 11 09:31:47 CDT 2023

Thank you Walter, that was a fascinating flight! Craig/K8CPC

From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of Walter Holmes via BVARC
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 9:32 PM
To: 'BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB' <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Cc: walterh at k5wh.net
Subject: [BVARC] K5WH-117, BLT-117

Quick Update……

After several weeks of flight from the BVARC Field Day site, it appears we haven’t heard from the balloon in over a week now, so it’s probably down for the count.

It was certainly a very interesting flight with all the backwards trips it was making. 😊

As we close the books on this one, we are already testing more trackers as I type, as well as testing a NEW tracking/reporting application script for extracting and propagating the information into all the formal reporting sites.

So much more to come. Below is a snapshot of the full flight.

Many thanks for allowing the South Texas Balloon Launch Team participate in Field Day with you guys.

All the best,
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