Chris Medlin ctmedlin at outlook.com
Thu Aug 10 08:56:38 CDT 2023

The Red Robin in League City next to Baybrook Mall has a 15-20 size Rubics Cube. I was there last month but didnt snap a pic of it or I would attach. I bet they would let you solve it while you wait for your burger.


Typos brought to you by iPhone

On Aug 10, 2023, at 00:47, Kori Rahman via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:


I just wanted to second what Jeff said. There are many websites that give you basic algorithms. I think that solving the first layer can be pretty intuitive and you should shoot for that goal. The second layer is more complex, and taking a look at algorithms for that you can quickly understand them. After that, it's going to be a heck of a lot easier to memorize the algorithms and figure it out in an intuitive way later. I take about a minute for the standard cube, the best I've done is about 30 seconds (with a ton of luck). But there are many more shortcuts and so on to learn and I have been looking into a few myself. Take a look at the sites Jeff sent and practice with them. One thing that I found helped was to pop off one of the edge pieces and add a dab of petroleum jelly inside the cube(helps you move it smoother and faster). After that, moving up to a "speed cube" shaves a few seconds off. Once you get the 3x3x3 down, you just need a couple more algorithms and you can do a 4x4x4, after that most bigger ones are not too hard to figure out (just tedious). I'm currently working on a 7x7x7. Still got a few things to learn, but I've solved it in a few hours. 1.5 hours on my second try. Practice and develop muscle memory, you'll get it.


Kori Rahman, WX5KR
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee
Cell: (770) 298 8516

Kori113 at gmail.com<mailto:Kori113 at gmail.com>

On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 6:55 PM rodney martinez via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:

Rod Martinez here from VE testing.  Wife Tina (General Class KG5VPB) and I are barely able to get 2 faces on our Rubiks Cubes.  You make it look boring at last testing.  Do you have any advice, or website we may visit to get past this elementary level?

Thx Buddy!
Rod Martinez

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On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 18:32, Kori Rahman via BVARC
<bvarc at bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
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