Jeff Greer greerjw at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 29 07:48:16 CDT 2022


Forwarding the info below...


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-------- Original message --------
From: anthony hollister <ahollistertx at gmail.com>
Date: 9/28/22 6:23 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Re: HARC/CoCs

Passing this information on to you all - the event is open to all.

HAM Radio in the Park - Nov. 5th 2022
Stude Park - 1031 Stude St, Houston, TX 77007
10am - 4pm (Local)

On Nov. 5th, The South East Texas Amatuer Club will be hosting a HAM radio day in the park.
Already a radio operator, come meet others!
Have a portable station, bring it out and show it off!
GMRS Operator? You're welcome to join us also!
Interested in radio communication, come ask questions!
Have no idea what HAM radio is, let us show you!
Look for our banners to find us within the park (it is not a very big park).
We will monitor 146.54mhz simplex (primary) and 444.500 +5mhz PL100.0 (secondary) for anyone who needs help finding the park.
We will have an ARDF fox available for anyone who wants to practice radio direction finding on a small scale.

Check out our website www.setac.club
or contact Anthony - KE5GIP - ahollistertx at gmail.com<mailto:ahollistertx at gmail.com> if you have questions.

Anthony Hollister
South East Texas Amatuer Club
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