[BVARC] Now...Alpha 78 problems

n5xz at earthlink.net n5xz at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 24 21:52:06 CDT 2022

I just starting having problems with my Alpha 78…started today. Here are the symptoms:


Power up…ok lights turn green after time delay

As soon as I press the SSB button, receiver is greatly attenuated.

Output is still good, but it seems like the amp drops out occasionally.

When I try to switch back to standby, the amp will not (lights stay red) and receiver is still attenuated. 

I have to turn power off to get full receiver signals back. 


I found out that if I pull the keying line from the K3, the amp goes to standby and the receiver comes back. K3 issue? I hope not…I just got it back from Elecraft.


Anyone seen this problem before? Think it is something fixable here?


Geez, nothing but bad luck with ham gear for the last year… ☹





Allen R. Brier N5XZ

1515 Windloch Lane

Richmond, TX 77406



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