[BVARC] Propagation Exercise this Thursday
Chris Luppens
jcluppens at ussailing.net
Wed Sep 21 09:56:19 CDT 2022
I think FT-8 great idea, but how many can do it is a question, along with the fact that propagation is much better because of capabilities of FT-8. As many know, I am operating with severe restrictions on a balcony though it is 200-ft high. I am a serious user FT-8 and FT-4 and have over 100 countries confirmed on QRZ (picture of my antenna “farm” on QRZ by the way) and 95 confirmed on LoTW. No way possible without FT-8. It would be really nice to try FT-8 on 2m and use PSK Reporter. Would be interesting.
Chris Luppens - KG5BBF
> On Sep 21, 2022, at 7:36 AM, KJ Anderson via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> Any interest in automating this using FT-8 on 2M at a designated time before or after? You could automatically build prop maps from PSK Reporter. It assumes you’ve got a rig that can do it though. Now that we’re somewhat out of the spate of afternoon lightning storms, I’d be happy to leave my rig listening and reporting to PSK Reporter on 2M, if there’s interest.
> -------------------------------------------------
> KJ Anderson
> 253-380-2636
> www.linkedin.com/in/scrumnerd
> From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of Mark Brantana via BVARC
> Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 10:27 PM
> To: BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc at bvarc.org>; NARS The Club <nars at mailman.qth.net>
> Cc: Mark Brantana <n5prd at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [BVARC] Propagation Exercise this Thursday
> Propagation Exercise this Thursday
> Here are just two great reasons to test your radio range with us tonight Thursday, September 22:
> This is going to be interesting. I will be running things from Illinois.
> Yes, Illinois. I will ask someone to clear the frequency for the test, so that person will be NCO for the evening. Other than that I will work things the way we usually do. Obviously I won’t be able to hear anyone from here. Join on Thursday.
> What could go wrong…?
> I look forward joing everyone on Zoom. Hope to see you there…
> SimplexHouston.com
> PLEASE MAKE SPECIAL NOTE - We ask participants to log in by Zoom before the net, so that we can maintain radio silence except for the one person at a time who is being tested. (If you haven’t been with us before, join us and see what this is all about. Everything is explained during the Zoom meeting.)
> INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO - Take a look at the instructional video Scott produced! This will help everyone understand how our Propagation Net is currently conducted.
> Key Information:
> The Check-in and Instructional Zoom meeting will be at 6:15PM.
> The Zoom link and other information is found on our link above.
> The Propogation Exercise will begin promptly 7:00 PM.
> Simplex frequencies are 146.540 MHz (Alternative if needed 147.540 MHz).
> I hope you can be with us to learn what your 2-m station will do. We look forward to your joining us.
> Contact Mark - N5PRD at yahoo.com
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