[BVARC] Bob Heil

KJ Anderson KJ5EMP at ARRL.net
Tue Sep 20 10:34:01 CDT 2022

These work awesome, I used them at a very loud public service event:

[cid:image001.png at 01D8CCDC.7DE09010]

KJ Anderson

From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of Ben Cook via BVARC
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 1:32 PM
To: Anthony Morones <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Cc: Ben Cook <n6elf at nanoloop.io>
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Bob Heil

Curious how to best use mics and earphones in high noise environments with amateur radio. I'm thinking it would be cool to be able to use something like Surefire or Sennheiser  earphones and some kind of throat mic with ham radio at events like NASCAR or F1 or other environments like that.

  Ben Cook
  n6elf at nanoloop.io<mailto:n6elf at nanoloop.io>

On Fri, Sep 16, 2022, at 20:43, Jeff Greer via BVARC wrote:

Bob Heil wants to know what questions you have and what subjects you would like for him to cover in our 10/13 BVARC meeting.

Send questions and discussion topics my way, and I will compile them and pass them along.

This meeting will start at 7:30, and Bob will join us at 8. Invitation will come next week.


Jeff W5JEF

Sent from my mobile phone

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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