[BVARC] ethernet question

Roy Storey rstorey1940 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 10:16:37 CDT 2022

It sounds to me like you are on the right track. I would suspect the switch
since I have had one go bad on me in the past.

On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 9:46 AM JP Pritchard via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> A little help please!
> I normally connect my Anan 7000 transceiver to an eight port switch where
> it connects with the computer that controls the transceiver. It has worked
> perfectly for months. But  I am now seeing error messages indicating short
> intermittent sequence errors (dropped packets I suppose you would call it)
> between the radio and the computer. As you would expect, the audio drops
> out when the errors occur.
> First step in my process of elimination was to circomvent the switch and
> connect the radio directly to the computer. That killed all sequence errors
> and all worked as it should. Next step in the process was to reconnect the
> computer and the radio to the switch, but remove the ethernet surge
> protector from the run between the switch and the radio. That made no
> difference and the errors resumed. Now I figure it's got to be bad ethernet
> cable or the switch needs to be replaced.
> Any thoughts on this from my computer savvy ham friends?
> 73, JP, K5JPP
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