[BVARC] ethernet question

Jair Bobys jairb at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 18 10:01:48 CDT 2022

The cable you used to directly connect the two devices is likely good.  There's one other cable to confirm using the same method.
You can also change which switch ports the 7000 and computer are using on the switch to rule out port failures.
If the second cable is good, whether it's a single port or something else in the switch, the remedy will be to replace the switch. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 9:46 AM, JP Pritchard via BVARC<bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:      A little help please!   
   I normally connect my Anan 7000 transceiver to an eight port switch where it connects with the computer that controls the transceiver. It has worked perfectly for months. But  I am now seeing error messages indicating short intermittent sequence errors (dropped packets I suppose you would call it) between the radio and the computer. As you would expect, the audio drops out when the errors occur.   
   First step in my process of elimination was to circomvent the switch and connect the radio directly to the computer. That killed all sequence errors and all worked as it should. Next step in the process was to reconnect the computer and the radio to the switch, but remove the ethernet surge protector from the run between the switch and the radio. That made no difference and the errors resumed. Now I figure it's got to be bad ethernet cable or the switch needs to be replaced.  
   Any thoughts on this from my computer savvy ham friends?   
   73, JP, K5JPP  ________________________________________________
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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