[BVARC] Why are you a member of BVARC -- Questionaire
Michael Amos
kg4nds at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 4 21:44:38 CDT 2022
And if you’re upset about something club related or with one of its members PLEASE address it privately. Dirty laundry doesn’t belong here on the reflector. It makes the club look bad, it makes YOU look even worse. There are other people on this besides club members and they don’t need to see this stuff.
Off of MY soap box now. 😊
Mike – KG4NDS <-- the OTHER, other Mike
From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of Kori Rahman via BVARC
Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2022 9:28 PM
To: BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc at bvarc.org>; Rick Hiller <rickhiller73 at gmail.com>
Cc: Kori Rahman <kori113 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Why are you a member of BVARC -- Questionaire
Hello all,
I don't usually like to reply to the reflector, but I figured I would do so for this email (yes Rick I know you asked us to reply directly). The reason I joined BVARC was at least partially by chance. When I started looking into getting my license in late 2020, the BVARC testing sessions were one of the first things to come up in my internet searches. I reached out to Mark (K5MGJ) about testing, and from there I joined the club for $5. Another reason was the Stir-Crazy Net on 146.940MHz. It was one of the first things I ever heard on my HT before I even got my license, as well as the Alaska Morning Net on 444.300MHz. So I hope credit is heavily given to John K5LKJ, Robert KD5YVQ, and Steve N5ZUA. The nets, the active repeaters, and all of the activity of folks identifying as BVARC members therein are the biggest reasons for me even having an interest in being in a club at all. The folks on 146.94 are knowledgeable and helpful. The BVARC meetings are sometimes interesting, but for my first year I rarely tuned into those. However, I was there as often as I could be for the BVARC Stir-Crazy net. Both to talk and to listen.
Another part of the question is surely "Why have you renewed your membership?" Is it the events we do? Not so much for me. They are great, especially the big ones like Field Day. But the friends I have in the club, the community that has been built around the club is why I'm still here. We have something awesome here, something that we should nurture and grow. That's how I feel about the club, which is why I'm so interested and feel invested in growing the club. I try to promote the club as much as I can, our events, our nets etc. The hobby has so many different aspects, and to know you're just a degree or two of separation from a knowledgeable person who has experience working with an aspect of the hobby you're not familiar with is fantastic. I have always been an autodidact, but having just a quick email and response from someone who can answer a question, massively cuts the time it takes to master a topic.
It's not all roses and rainbows of course. This club has a lot of issues. Number one is poor attitude... Too many times there is negativity when there doesn't need to be. Frankly, there should never be negativity. It's a hobby, it should be fun. I think many of us should be asking whether we're doing something positive before we act. It's a complex issue, but I think we could all benefit from trying to keep positivity, comradery, and flexibility in mind. The hobby has been falling out of interest for a long time, and recently there have been signs of life. The reasons for being in ham radio have changed (from my understanding as a relatively new ham), the interests are varied,and the demographics have changed. We also need to understand that the world has changed, the ways people socialize, the ways people communicate to each other too. The club needs to adapt and change with the times. I don't believe that means we have to throw out the older ham activities or ways of doing things all together. We should not try to completely change the target of the club, we should grow the tent.
The last thing I will say is that we should all try to be elmers. Friendship and lending a hand to the newer members of the ham community in general will bring more people into the fold, and keep them there. I do not give him enough credit, but my Elmer Terry (K5PGF) approached me just after I got my license. He offered to lend me equipment, he showed me his setup, he helped me build my first HF antenna. If it wasn't for those kinds of acts, I wouldn't be here. Events are great, but our members are our greatest resource. If we encourage and actively help each other, the club will continue to grow.
- Kori, WX5KR
On Sun, Sep 4, 2022 at 7:38 PM Keith Dutson via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
I hate seeing someone bogart an email like this.
On Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 07:21:31 PM CDT, rodney martinez via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
I can tell you why I am not wishing to renew my membership. It was about a year ago when Net Control operator went militant on a Monday. I asked him why, and he called for intervention by yourself as the monitor. You mentioned that you were away for a bit, not hearing what was said. But said that whatever Net Control was performing, it was acceptable. I do not hold that night against you personally, Rick. Your a great guy, and antenna genious. I could learn a lot from you. But that night, I realized there are clicks within clicks at BVARC after getting shut out by Net Control after your approval. Mike was supposed to contact me about the matter, but never heard from him. I did not complain, and just took my medicine on that issue. My wife, General Class (KG5VPB) and I never had an interest in BVARC after that. I hope the best for all in BVARC. Its simply not our thing in a milieu such as that, Sir.
Rodney Martinez
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On Sun, Sep 4, 2022 at 19:02, Rick Hiller via BVARC
<bvarc at bvarc.org<mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
RESPOND TO ME DIRECTLY -- rickhiller73 at gmail.com<mailto:rickhiller73 at gmail.com>
If you are a member of the Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club, please tell me one reason why you are a member. One, at least, more if you wish. "I belong to BVARC because ........................................."
I am interested in the various reasons we belong to a Ham Radio Club. I will not taint your response with my reason.
This is a simple, constructive exercise on my part generating fodder for The Radio Hotel BVARC Beacon column. Your answer will remain anonymous.
RESPOND TO ME DIRECTLY --rickhiller73 at gmail.com<mailto:rickhiller73 at gmail.com>
TNX ES 73 Rick -- W5RH
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
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Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
BVARC mailing list
BVARC at bvarc.org<mailto:BVARC at bvarc.org>
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Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
BVARC mailing list
BVARC at bvarc.org<mailto:BVARC at bvarc.org>
Publicly available archives are available here: https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Fbvarc%40bvarc.org%2F&data=05%7C01%7C%7C8194a49c79c94b51b97308da8ee66374%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637979417409277594%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=tqyQq4N9W61gOSHLGQpN8XdsmDDFMg6eWH4bN9CpFSk%3D&reserved=0>
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