[BVARC] A little help please

Steve Agee irlp8720 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 3 11:59:58 CDT 2022

*The undeniable expert on this is Kurt at KG Electronics in Wichita. He 
is the only person I allow to work on my IFR. Kurt was the service 
manager at IFR when it shut down. He has all of the surplus parts and 
works on them in his basement for a living. I'd ask him about the battery.

On 9/2/2022 5:16 PM, john Parmalee via BVARC wrote:
> My IFR 1200 has a 3v coin battery (BR2325) on the control card that 
> that is dead.is dead.I ordered another and it came back a CR2325, they 
> are both Lithium there is a difference but not a problem.The problem 
> is the mounting. on the card, there is an area of copper that the cell 
> sits on with what appears to be a fiber something that has a glue that 
> is conductive.The positive lead is spot welded to the top and does a 
> ninety and attaches to a through hole and makes contact with the foil 
> on the reverse side.I see a couple of cells on line that have a 
> something welded top and bottom.I could jerry the positive to the 
> through hole and remove the spot-welded negative connection
> I am stumped about the fiber something and the apparent conductive glue.
> John Parmalee
> Jparmalee at aol.com
> 281-380-3811 bvarcK5VGM WI2XLJ
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