[BVARC] Antenna wire-Net discussion yesterday

john Parmalee jparmalee at aol.com
Sat Apr 30 10:39:36 CDT 2022

I missed the discussion but here is a factor.  The wire dimension will control band width.  Using an antenna modeling program, I created a two-meter half wave with something like 1/8 wave elements, it covered the band.  Then in the best fashion of MythBusters I oversized it to 18" or so diameter elements and found the bandwidth was from a hundred to two hundred less than 1.5:1.  Another example was a 2.1 gHz microwave feed horn that had failed.  It was packed in a can filled with foam.  I dug it out to find a tiny dipole with elements a half inch in diameter.  the 2,1-microwave band is over a hundred meg wide so antenna needed to be broad band.  

John ParmaleeJparmalee at aol.com281-380-3811 K5VGM WI2XLJIn a message dated 4/30/2022 8:55:39 AM Central Standard Time, bvarc at bvarc.org writes: 

Good Morning,

During the net yesterday, the topic was building antenna and wire size. I found this article on the net:


What size or gauge of wire should I use for an antenna (qrznow.com)







Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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