[BVARC] Fwd: Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday
john Parmalee
jparmalee at aol.com
Sat Apr 23 10:52:04 CDT 2022
From: jparmalee at aol.com
To: dgeorger1962 at gmail.com
Sent: 4/22/2022 5:47:25 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday
Several years ago, my wife found a $250 off brand generator on sale after at HEB. They had a big stack of them left over from Ike that didn't sell. I said for 6kw 220v that is a good price and maybe it will work.
I hooked it to a 30-amp beaker in the number two breaker position. I had to move some breakers around and my well that was powered from the garage I moved to the house box. About 100' of #8 Romex. Amazon sells a mechanical $29 interlock that attaches to the break box front plate. It forces you to disconnect the main before connecting the gen set. Very important Also, for $17 each amazon has a business card size volt and amp meter. The amp meter pickups snap around a conductor. The meter shows amps, volts KW, KW hours and even power factor.
What I wasn't sure about was the well. it has a staring current of 43 amps according to my peak hold volt meter but runs at 13 amps. The gen set groans but carries the well just fine. I went through the house, the microwave, blowers on the propane heat and even one burner on the stove as well as most of the lights in the house that are LED. I got a bit greedy and tried just one air conditioner. The gen set was gasping and lights flashing and we won't do that again. I must say it was very satisficing to see most of the house less the air conditioner were good. We may have to disable some features like the well to cook dinner and so on watching and learning what the learning amp meter says.
So for less than $500 or so we will be comfortable the next outage. I could spend ten times that and get an auto start that would run it all. When the ice storm hit we ran a #10 E cord to the camper, was ok but no heat, it will be better next time.
John ParmaleeJparmalee at aol.com281-380-3811 K5VGM WI2XLJIn a message dated Several years ago 22/2022 5:01:22 PM Central Standard Time, dgeorger1962 at gmail.com writes:
Yes, I've looked at Northern Tool and Home Depot to add my "2 cents" in. The Home Depot 10K generator has a 12% THD on output. While the Northern Tool 10K runs about 5% THD. According to specs. Forget a Generac whole home. I've gone to 5 different companies in the past month. The 24kw generator will run you about 5900 with the 200 amp auto transfer switch. The clincher here is the cost of installation - 9000 to over 13000 for myself. Now mind you - I need about 25 feet of gas line and about 40 feet of electrical line to run from my backyard to the panel and the gas meter. I'm just letting you know. There seems to be an incredible increase in installation of these things. Yes, I've gone through Home Depot, Generac, Canter, Consolidated and 1 other independent. Good Luck. David GeorgerKA5BBD
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 4:32 PM Mike Pivarnik via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
I have to say that anything from Harbor Freight has been excellent for me. They are inexpensive and good duty. However, in terms of external power I have found that the tolerance of the Harbor Freight stuff is a bit problematic. Therefore I returned that and bought the one at Home Depot. They do not appear to interfere with any RF issues. So long as I distance them from the antenna. I will tell you that my auxiliary generator from HD provides no issues, nor does the Generac. The Harbor Freight one seemed to be not so kind. My experience and opinion. I hope that helps. Do your own research on this, but that’s just my findings.
From: BVARC [mailto:bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org] On Behalf Of john Parmalee via BVARC
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 1:23 PM
To: bvarc at bvarc.org
Cc: john Parmalee
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday
Does any one have an opinion on the Harbor Freight knock off of the Honda inverter? I have one, I found it woudn't run the ac in my trailer so it has been on the back shelf. Come to think about it, I was in Harbor Freight a few days ago and didn't see anything but five or six kw units.
By the way anything with wheels isn't portable. Reminds me of any TV with handles was portable no mater how heavy.
John Parmalee
Jparmalee at aol.com
In a message dated 4/22/2022 11:28:53 AM Central Standard Time, bvarc at bvarc.org writes:
Honda and Yamaha are true benchmarks. I have a Yamaha Y series 2800 and it has powered two refrigerators, a television, a fan and LED lights during many times of power loss.
I use it for DJ work as it is inverter technology.
If you’d like more info call me at 832-473-4002.
Lee Usry - K5BLU.
On Apr 22, 2022, at 9:58 AM, mark janzer via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
Given the tax free weekend, what portable generator would you recommend - sized for field day usage.
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From: ARRL Members Only Web site <memberlist at arrl.org>
To: "k5mgj at yahoo.com" <k5mgj at yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022, 09:50:02 AM CDT
Subject: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday
The Texas Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday will occur
from Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 12:01 am, CDT, to midnight, Monday,
April 25, 2022.
The list of supplies and items that qualify appear on the Texas
Comptroller's website at:
Unfortunately, the tax holiday does not provide exemption from
sales tax on the purchase of radios in excess of $75 in value. Perhaps
we can persuade a Texas legislator to sponsor an amendment to the law
that would extend the tax exemption to permit the exclusion of sales tax
on a broader class of amateur radios and related equipment.
If you have been planning to purchase a small generator, note the
sales tax exclusion does apply to portable generators that cost less
than $3,000.00, permitting — depending on brand and where purchased
— the acquisition of generators up to 15,000 watts.
Be safe.
John Robert Stratton
Lee H. Cooper
Vice Director
West Gulf Division
ARRL West Gulf Division
Director: John Robert Stratton, N5AUS
n5aus at arrl.org
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