[BVARC] Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday

Robert Polinski emdhouston at suddenlinkmail.com
Fri Apr 22 11:39:42 CDT 2022

Best generators for ham use are inverter generators. I recommend a Honda EU2000. Good clean power. BVARC has run all the radios at field day several years on my EU2000. Advantages, clean power, 60 hz  120v no fluctuating, light weight 50 lb, quiet, long run time up to 14 hrs on a gal of gas, you can get a remote fuel tank, I use boat tanks as they can be swapped while the generator is running. Disadvantage, cost a lot more per watt. During a hurricane, mine ran 3 ½ days straight never turned it off, ran my fridg, modem, TV & a few lights, and a small window AC.  Used less than 6 gal of gas. And as anyone knows, getting gas during or after a storm can be hard. You can also get a propane or nat gas conversion kit. A 10kw gen will use upwards to 1 gal per hour. You can get a 3KW inverter gen. they also are easy on fuel, but they weigh a lot more 100+ lbs.  Just be carful about your generator selection as I have repaired several radios & power supplies that were connected to bad generators. The speed control that regulates the hz is poor and the voltage spikes due to the gen being lightly loaded, will destroy some power supplies. I have seen many a TV damaged by these generators. Robert KD5YVQ


From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of mark janzer via BVARC
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 9:58 AM
Cc: mark janzer <k5mgj at yahoo.com>
Subject: [BVARC] Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday


Given the tax free weekend, what portable generator would you recommend - sized for field day usage.






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From: ARRL Members Only Web site <memberlist at arrl.org>

To: "k5mgj at yahoo.com" <k5mgj at yahoo.com>

Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022, 09:50:02 AM CDT

Subject: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday


The Texas Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday will occur

from Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 12:01 am, CDT, to midnight, Monday,

April 25, 2022.


    The list of supplies and items that qualify appear on the Texas

Comptroller's website at: 



    Unfortunately, the tax holiday does not provide exemption from

sales tax on the purchase of radios in excess of $75 in value. Perhaps

we can persuade a Texas legislator to sponsor an amendment to the law

that would extend the tax exemption to permit the exclusion of sales tax

on a broader class of amateur radios and related equipment.


    If you have been planning to purchase a small generator, note the

sales tax exclusion does apply to portable generators that cost less

than $3,000.00, permitting — depending on brand and where purchased

— the acquisition of generators up to 15,000 watts.


    Be safe.



John Robert Stratton



Lee H. Cooper


    Vice Director

West Gulf Division



ARRL West Gulf Division

Director: John Robert Stratton, N5AUS

n5aus at arrl.org <mailto:n5aus at arrl.org> 



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