[BVARC] Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday

Mike Pivarnik KI5TQJ at mjpnc.com
Fri Apr 22 10:34:40 CDT 2022

If I may suggest. I have a 10kw bought at home depot for external. I have a generac at the QTH. Just my 2 cents…




From: BVARC [mailto:bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org] On Behalf Of mark janzer via BVARC
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 9:58 AM
Cc: mark janzer
Subject: [BVARC] Portable Generators Fw: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday


Given the tax free weekend, what portable generator would you recommend - sized for field day usage.






----- Forwarded Message -----

From: ARRL Members Only Web site <memberlist at arrl.org>

To: "k5mgj at yahoo.com" <k5mgj at yahoo.com>

Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022, 09:50:02 AM CDT

Subject: Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday


The Texas Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday will occur

from Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 12:01 am, CDT, to midnight, Monday,

April 25, 2022.


    The list of supplies and items that qualify appear on the Texas

Comptroller's website at: 



    Unfortunately, the tax holiday does not provide exemption from

sales tax on the purchase of radios in excess of $75 in value. Perhaps

we can persuade a Texas legislator to sponsor an amendment to the law

that would extend the tax exemption to permit the exclusion of sales tax

on a broader class of amateur radios and related equipment.


    If you have been planning to purchase a small generator, note the

sales tax exclusion does apply to portable generators that cost less

than $3,000.00, permitting — depending on brand and where purchased

— the acquisition of generators up to 15,000 watts.


    Be safe.



John Robert Stratton



Lee H. Cooper


    Vice Director

West Gulf Division



ARRL West Gulf Division

Director: John Robert Stratton, N5AUS

n5aus at arrl.org



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